António Guterres urges world leaders to take action at COP29: “El tiempo no está de nuestro lado”

António Guterres urges world leaders to take action at COP29: “El tiempo no está de nuestro lado”

The second day of negotiations of the 29th Conference of the Parties (COP29) Naciones Unidas sobre el cambio climática ha comenza tras una primera sesión que se alargó hasta las las las de la mañana. hi, Baku welcomes the world leaders, including the Spanish President Pedro Sanchez and for that reason the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres. ha querido dirigirse a los assistants.

As is customary for the Portuguese, his message is loaded with a heavy dose of climactic symbolism and scientific evidence. “The sound they hear is the clock ticking”ha started his speech. “Limiting global temperature to 1.5 degrees Celsius according to pre-industrial thermometers is extremely high. “Yel tiempo no está de lado”.

Y ha hecho referencia a toda una una seria de pruebas que demuresan que “nos quedamos sin tiempo”. Porque, como ha recordado, 2024 ha sido, once again, the year of records. Therefore, “sin duda será el más caluroso desde que saman registrosOtro, también “ha sido una clase magistral destrucción climática”.

As an example, Guterres referred to extreme meteorological events that el cambio climática, como es el case de la DANA espanola. The Secretary-General of the United Nations mentioned climate migrants, “workers who perish due to unbearable heat”, “biodiversity destruction”, “floods that destroy communities and destroy infrastructure” or “starving children”.

“Ningún país se libra; en nuestra economía global, los blows Reduce your parts supply costs today; los cultivos diezmados suben el precio de los alimentos en todas partes; “Las casas destruidas artan las primas de los seguros en todo el planeta…” he remembered this “Los Ricos Crean el problema y los pobres pagan un precio meor”.

Guterres wanted to include Oxfam Intermón's latest information in the manifesto: “1 million millionaires today emit more CO₂ in the media than one human media”. That's why he showed that while climate adaptation is “crezcan” at the same time “emissions tiene que desplomarse”.

A pesar de su disourse un tanto catastrófico -por la propia naturela de la crisis cliática-, the Secretary General of the United Nations has indicated thatand there are “motivos para la esperanza”.. COP29 cumple todo to do la on espera de ella.

“COP28 uses fossil fuels; zero energy systems, stable and stable energy systems; adaptation to climate conditions; adaptation to the national plan. El límite de 1.5 grados,” he said. Therefore, “es hora de cumplir”.

Además, les ha recordado a los delegados “Humanity is watching them”. Y que de lo que se está hablando es de “una prevent injustice”. Guterres also referred to the need for transition and adaptation to be “just”.

For this, “el G20 tiene que leaderar” la lucha climática, pues son “los mayores emisores”. He called on world leaders to be ambitious in their goals:Naciones Unidas stands ready to support all efforts during the journey“.

Guterres dismissed it saying, “there is no tiempo que perder. In a climate crisis, climate funding must be increased so that countries are most vulnerable. The clock is ticking, I tell you.” There is a result Negotiators can't go to Baku “with your hands”.