Traders affected by DANA de Málaga: “Now only queda tirar las cosas”

Traders affected by DANA de Málaga: “Now only queda tirar las cosas”

It is temporarily effective Calf en Málaga aún se pueden observar por las calles de la capital. Dozens of businesses in the city were seriously damaged by the floods caused by the torrential rains that fell last Wednesday.

The impact of the storm was so great that many buildings were closed this Friday while workers and owners were busy cleaning up. Retirando barro, sacando agua…A scene repeated in many neighborhoods of the city.

El distrito Centro is one of the most damaged areas. Y lo ocurrido en la conocida Calle Carreteríaremozada sonente con un ambicioso proyecto de rehabilitation, medir la size del disgusto allow me.

Most of the businesses on this road were trying to restore the lost normalcy with Fars down, without life, this Friday. Las Escobas, las fregonas, todos llenos de barro, venian a los clientes de siempre.

Among the rich businesses found in this state Tapestry by Antonio López. Its owner, Antonio, admitted that what happened on Wednesday was something to be expected after numerous warnings from the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet). Esa previsión le permitió conserver los trabajos realizados and sussososo products.

“Ahora solo queda tirar las cosas que se han stropeado tras el paso de la DANA y limpiar todo lo que se ha ensuciado, no queda otra”, means that it is not accepted.

Each case will be reopened as we assess the opportunity based on the damage done. In the case of Tapicería Antonio López, normal business is expected to resume next week. “It is possible to get back to normal at sea la semana que vienepero dependerá de como vaya el tema de la limpieza”, he affirms.

Sin embargo, more income Nuevo aviso Because they don't know when they can get back to normal. Es el caso de Mendaleranda, situado en Soho, más concretemente en la calle Casa de Campos 8.

“Esta DANA is better for this reason Estrago más difícil de solvent en nuestro local, así que tenemos que remangarnos y ponernos manos a la obra para arreglar algún que otro problemilla técnico. Estaremos cerrados hasta nuevo aviso,” he said, mediating on social networks.

Los fuertes impactos de la DANA en Málaga forced various businesses to temporarily close their doors and left a marked mark on it. the economy is local. A pesar de las significant economic losses, el esfuerzo y apoyo solidario The community contributes to the speedy recovery of the city and damaged infrastructure.