Las empresas no potarán despedir disciplinariamente a sus trabajadores sin oírles antes, establece el Supremo

Las empresas no potarán despedir disciplinariamente a sus trabajadores sin oírles antes, establece el Supremo

La Sala de lo Social del Tribunal Supremo found that the employer must offer the employee The opportunity to defend himself against the charges brought against himDisciplinary dismissal dismissal de trabajo la exinción del contrato de acceptar.

That decision was taken at the plenary session unanimouslyit is based on the necessity of the direct application of Article 7 of Convention No. 158 of the International Labor Organization, which has been in force in Spain since 1986.

El Tribunal Supremo changing the doctrineestablished in the decade of the eighties, lo que por “los cambios habidos en nuestro ordenamiento durante todo este tiempo” (internationales, doctrina constitucional, calificación del despido, inaplicabilidad de la norma más favorable globalization) justifies.

“The employment relationship of the employee shall not be terminated before he has been offered the opportunity to defend himself against charges brought against him for reasons related to his conduct or activities, unless he can reasonably request le conceda estate from the employer, y como dispone el Convenio de la OIT” explains the sentence, de la que ha sido ponente la magistrada Maria Luz García Paredes.

According to the new criterion, it is recognized that the Spanish legal system has measures aimed at preventing the employee from being in a defensive position against dismissal, since he can appeal to it in accordance with international norms integran”.

La Sala explica que la audiencia previa al trabajador atiende a un. “Equidad Criterion”it is allowed that hechos meritores de ser sanctionedos y lo haga ante quien tiene el poder disciplinario y antes de que éste disciplinario y antes de que éste pên la medida.

Ello “hec es más que cumplir con un basic derecho de audiencia or defense which is presented as an official act within the framework of labor relations and within the legal exercise of the company's disciplinary powers during its validity,” he added.

“Necessary” may be required according to international standards.
estemos derogando norma interna alguna sino seleccionando el derecho

For the future

The Chamber finds that the exception to the impossibility of allowing an audience “si no puede pedirse reasonablemente al empleador que le ceda esta possibility” applies to a disciplinary dismissal that gives room for correction of the doctrine. Balearic dramatic art.

“It can't make any sense,” he said, noting the wording of “acceptable legal norms” in the Pacific's form.

This exception is “for publique la presente sentencia sin duda valid para los despidos acaecidos antes de que se se publique la presente sentencia”.