Trump nominates ex-fiscal Matthew Whitaker as ambassador to NATO: “Pondrá a Estados Unidos primero”

Trump nominates ex-fiscal Matthew Whitaker as ambassador to NATO: “Pondrá a Estados Unidos primero”

the president-elect of the United States, Donald Trumpthis Wednesday announced the appointment of a temporary exfiscal general Matthew Whitaker como el próximo embajador estadounidense ante la OTAN.

Whitaker, a 55-year-old lawyer and lobbyist Acting Treasury General of the United States Between November 2018 and February 2019, during Trump's first term after Jeff Sessions resigned.

“Matt NATO will strengthen relations with our allies y se mantendrá firme frente a las menazes a la paz y la stability”, the republican politician confirmed in a communique.

Además, apuntó que The new ambassador will put the United States firstA lemma used by Trump to promote a more isolationist foreign policy.

President-elect, Whitaker es “Un guerrero fuerte y un guerrero fuerte y unleal patriota, que que guarantará el avance y la Defense de Los Intereses de Estados”.

Whitaker graduated from the University of Iowa, where he played on the American football team, and became the next president.

Trump, who ruled the country between 2017 and 2021, was in his first presidential term muy crítico con la OTAN y afeó a sus socios de la Alianza Atlántica que No destinaran sufficient dinero en la defensa colectiva.

This is what Durante la pasada suggested during the election campaign Alentaría a Russia a hacer lo que quisiera with European countries not increasing defense spending and, in addition, questioning the sending of US military aid to Ukraine.