El empresario Victor de AldamaI think that del commissionista caso Koldoannounced this Thursday in a petition propia in the National Audiencia.
EL ESPAÑOL obtained a two-hour video of the court statement. In the footage, the Deception manifester shows his first meeting at the beginning of his appearance Pedro SanchezIn 2019, the proposal of the president of the government was prepared in the act of the Madrid PSOE. Both appeared in an official act of the PSOE and were photographed together.
“El Presidente me dice, palabras textuales: 'Gracias por lo que estás haciendo'”, Aldama preguntas de su abogado manifestado. His defense attorney, Jose Antonio Choclan, asked him if he had the picture “subrepticia” or “fortuita”.
El empresario flatly denied this and insisted on Pedro Sánchez's interest in greeting him. “Sé lo que estás haciendo y te lo agradezco”, le dijo el Presidente del Gobierno.
Guiado por su letrado, Aldama ha comenzado su beclaración ante el juez Ismael Moreno intending to contact the “collaboration” Justicia. This immediately después, que su relación con el exministro Jose Luis Abalos ripples through his brother, Rubén de Aldama, que trabajaba de escolta del exministero.
Segón su relato, el asesor de más confianza del politico, Koldo Garciaqueen da nombre a esta causa causa judicial, le habría comunicado que elministrio “se les había hecho grande” y le plantéó si les podía echar una mano. “Durante estos dos primeros meses todo era con Koldo”ha precisado el empresario. “[Fueron] lasting three to four weeks, he elaborated on the origin of this connection.
Contact Ábalos
His first contact with former Transport Minister José Luis Abalos was “más o menos” in August 2018. It was explained in the National Auditorium. You can contact Mexico Collected in Oaxaca, le habría “pedido ayuda”.
Aldama, according to his story, asked to speak to the ambassador, and Koldo told him that the diplomat would not help them. “Que no era de los nuestros”ha senalado el empresario ante el juez. “Se prescinde del embajador, de Exteriores y yo me encargo”, ha el empresario narrated.
En su declaración voluntaria también se ha referido al Ábalos' trip to Mexico in 2019. “Official of the period, but lo organicé yo; se prescinde del cauce oficial (…) Y fue un éxito”, he assured.
The day before the trip, on February 3, he said that he had to go to the act of the PSOE because the president of the government wanted to meet and talk with him. Almost contact, fueron Koldo y Ábalos los que se lo indicaron.
“La photo se hizo no de modo surrepticio. No fue fortuita. Sánchez told me: 'Sé lo que estás haciendo y te lo agradezco. I am informed'“, Deception spoke about the photo taken with the president of the government in the act of the Socialist Party celebrated at the theater La Latina (Madrid). According to his version, after the photo was taken, he rejected the photo. president del Gobierno, quien se quedó hablando brevemente con Koldo García.
Get out of jail
Cheating, the court is currently in a different prison for a reason caso KoldoApply with Moreno voluntary declarant. He did it through his lawyer. Y el magistrado le citó para este jueves. Habilitó una sala a la que sólo han tenido acceso su letrado, el fiscal anticorruption Luis Pastor Mota and his own instructor.
The commissioner was transferred from the penitentiary center to the National Audience, where he arrived a few minutes after nine o'clock in the morning.
There is no intention, nothing, gracias a su declaración, poder salir de la prison de Real, a la que le le envió otro juez de la Audiencia Nacional, Santiago Pedrazpor la llamada trama del fuel.
El llamado caso Koldo It takes its name from Koldo Garcia, a key adviser and confidant of Abalos when the politician was Minister of Transport. The supply department supplies millions of sanitary supplies. 32 million euros Soluciones de Gestión SL, review the epicenter for research.
There is no link for “Connect to China” for Spanish sanitary ware. “Puedo Moverlo”, le habría dicho, le habría dicho, ya 2020, al Entonces Minister Cuando Transportes fue appointed for contracting with antiCovid material.
Koldo García, born in Aldama, is also being investigated for this reason. However, El Supremo recently agreed to initiate criminal proceedings against the former minister. Sala Segunda, por tanto, podría investigaterle y citarle a declarar.
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