El empresario Victor de Aldamapresumonto comisionista del 'caso Koldo', ha left the Soto del Real penitentiary center tonight en el que permanecía en prisión preventiveea en relación con otra investigationa court, la relación con un supuesto fraude de hidrocarburos.
Deception, que este mismo jueves, the instructor of the case declared before Koldo que. Released loads and other loads Jose Luis Abalos or PSOE number 3, Santos Cerdanhe left the prison by 21:30 by the decision of the Hidrocarburos case judge. Santiago Pedraz.
As he left the penitentiary, Aldama approached journalists waiting for him to leave to protest the references he made about the government's president, Pedro Sánchez.
“I am called 'delincuente' and 'persaje' ha llamado. Este señor tiene que saber que él es mitómano y tiene alzheimer Because when I asked him twice, one in Congress and the other in Portugal, he didn't run because he knew me,” he said.
“And suddenly, when a photo of me appeared – in connection with the photo published on social media that they had seen together a few days ago – ya sí me conocediciendo que es una photo que se hace con cualquiera. No, las fotos que se hace con cualquiera se las hace en la calle, no en zonas privadas”
According to journalists, Sanchez did not take any chances and replied: “Por supuesto que no”.
In addition, he assured that if the president wants proof of the accusations he made before Judge Moreno this morning, “Never mind, que va a tener pruebas de todo lo que se ha dicho”.
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Horas después de appearr en el 'caso Koldo', attended the petition of the entrepreneur supported by judge Pedraz Fiscalía and agreed as precautionary measures. comparefijación de un domicilio para estar and prohibition to leave the country without judicial authorization.
The reason Pedraz made this decision, as he explained in his car, is that, according to Article 505.4 of the Criminal Prosecution Law, if neither party requests prison, the judge must grant the person's freedom, etc. Causa que él investiga está secreta y no concurren accusations, más allá de la Fiscalía, que ha apoyado la petition de Fraud.
Victor de Aldama is being investigated in two different cases and juzgados in the National Audiencia: un supuesto adulteration of hydrocarbons que le ha mantenido hasta este jueves en prisión provisional y que investiga el juez Pedraz, y el conocido como 'Caso Koldo'que gira en torno a presuntas contratos publicos komisiones with mascarillas.
In this latest case, which was investigated by Judge Ismael Moreno, he declared and undertook to cooperate in all open procedures.
According to Anticorrupción informa, the “clear recognition” of the facts of this appearance and the “confession of the crimes”, algunos nuevos, only led the prosecutor to support the request for freedom with another reason that led to his detention.
La Fiscalía considera que su confession devirtúa el risego destrucción de pruebas y atenúa el de fuga, que fueron determinants para incarcelarle por esta segunda causa.
Al acabar su appearecencia en el 'Caso Koldo', in which, in addition to talking about commissions, he involved chief executive Pedro Sánchez in the disappointing visit of Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodriguez to Spain in 2020. defense de este empresario ha pedido al juez Pedraz su libertad, según informan las fuentes.
Sanchez: “Es categoricalemente false”
Horas después de Aldama's judicial declaration, the President of the Government assured that the declaration of the employer, his government and the PSOE was “absolutely false”.
“There's nothing to look like anymore Gobierno es un Gobierno limpio“, he said, before noting that it was “nothing” that the announcement of the “alleged wrongdoer” he was in jail and deserved the credit he had.
A su juicio, si se ha demonstrated algo con la declaración del comisionista es que su strategia Defensa es la mentira: “It seems that it can certainly harm any person”.
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