Father of two daughters aged 6 and 8 A supermercado semidesnudas accudieron in Palencia para comprar comida ha fellecidopor causas naturales, como han confirmed official sources in their statements to EL ESPAÑOL de Castilla y León.
Last February 14, 2024, the Palencia National Police arrested the marriage after the manager of a supermarket alerted the agents. de que dos niñas, de 6 y 8 años, hijas de los arrestados, se habian presentado en el establishment semidesnudas y desatendas para comprar comida.
Unos hechos que se produjeron en la mañana del sábado, 10 de febrero, como aseguraban fuentes policiales, cuando el responsable de la tienda notified the National Police that they were in person in the area.
Once there, the juveniles of age were involved in the institution's employees y al comprador su estado de. “suciedad, abandono y semidesnudez” fueron trasladadas a la comisaría para continuar con las gestiones.
Los agents consiguieron localar el domicilio de las niñas y accudieron al lugar. It confirmed that it was the same as the “absolute estado de salubridad, sucidia y con basura” that provoked the “appearance of insects”.
The most common places inside, first of all, before giving up the menorah, but finally can be freed from medical means. La Madre was arrested on Sunday, February 11. Obtain a court order for cargo release.
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