In one of the cities of Seville, a man killed his wife with a shotgun and then committed suicide

In one of the cities of Seville, a man killed his wife with a shotgun and then committed suicide

Asesinato machista in EstepaSevilla. The police are investigating the murder of a woman who took her own life last night in the house where they lived with their 17- and 11-year-old children at the hands of her husband.

El hombre, senalan medios locales, It would be 48 years y, tras matar a su mujer, se ha suicidado. Produced in Granada de la localidad Sevillana.

El hombre habría acapado con la vida de su mujer con un arma de fuego que, se cree, podría ser de caza. Aggressive I would use the same weapon para sharr con su vida.

Get fuel for helper. Unfamiliar, there is no Policy, y fue este el que puto en contacto con las fuerzas y cuerpos de seguridad, que activaron el protocolo for este tipo hechos.

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