Cabinet of Ministers Oscar Lopez sent to the leader of the Madrid Socialists via WhatsApp last March 13. Juan LobatoEl Contenido del correo electrónico en el que novio de Ayuso, Alberto González AmadorFiscalía recognized the alleged fiscal crimes committed by the employer.
La mano derecha de Oscar Lopez (then head of Pedro Sánchez's cabinet in Moncloa) in Lobato's Plenum of the Madrid Assembly, González intended to divulge confidential information exchanged between Amador and the Fiscalía. ABC.
Sin embargo, Lobato negó a hacerlo. Segun ABCthe party mate then said that they would send confidential information about Ayuso's girlfriend to the journalist. Angelica Rubioque entonces dirigía el diario Hand plural (author DNI del Juez Juan Carlos Peinado) and was placed on the board of directors of RTVE by PSOE today.
Instead, Lobato decided to keep these messages at a notary in Madrid at the end of October, after the Supreme Court entrusted them to the fiscal general of the state. Alvaro Garcia Ortizto reveal his secret and be responsible Ayuso de las communication secret filtration.
Although he appealed to a notary public, Lobato intended to release notes about what happened, in order to open an open court case against the fiscal general of the state.
ABC ha conocer esta informed, después de que trascendiera que la Moncloa al ministro preached Oscar López Madrid as the new secretary general of the PSOE (cargo que hoy ocupa Juan Lobato) at the regional congress to be held at the beginning of the year.
After the publication of the news, Lobato released a statement this Sunday in which he denied the documents sent by the chief of staff of Oscar López. Pilar Sanchez AceraProcediera de la Fiscalía.
“Los bulos y la disinformación que sufrimos necessitan respuestas claras y acredadas”, soistene Lobato, “por esas razón accredité ante notario que ni los Socialistas Madrileños ni Moncloa habíamos recibo de la Fiunasía óa liámos de la la la la nía lía ía tía Sra. Shopping, queda acredrado que All information came from the media“.
“No conspiracy theories“, he added, “so that the attempt to try for the art of the last political art that exists is the central end (sic) que este viernes declara el novio de Ayuso como imputado por dos delitos fiscales and falsedad documentary for verification”.
The Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court agreed on October 16 of last year to open proceedings against the fiscal general of the state, Álvaro García Ortiz, to investigate whether there was a crime of disclosure of secrets by publicizing protected information about entrepreneur Alberto González. Amador, partner of Isabel Diaz Ayuso, president of the Community of Madrid.
Despite being sued, García Ortiz decided to comply with the Fiscal and received the support of the Government.
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