The judge investigating the fiscal general cited Lobato for allegedly leaking information from Ayuso's lover by Moncloa.

The judge investigating the fiscal general cited Lobato for allegedly leaking information from Ayuso's lover by Moncloa.

The Magistrate of the Penal Chamber of the Supreme Tribunal Ángel Hurtado, instructor of the open case Fiscal General of the State New reservados revelación detos presunta revelación by Isabel Díaz Ayuso, ha acordado este lunes la Citation for the test of the secretary general of Madrid PSOE, Juan Lobato.

The viewing will be next Friday, November 29 at 10:00am. It will be there primera declaración que se produca en la cause abierta por el alto tribunal On October 16, Alvaro García Ortiz directed solo with Pilar Rodríguez, Fiscal of the Province of Madrid.

The instructor explains in the resolution he dictated today that he agrees with this quote. Abc “The actions presented during any investigation into the connection and the possible connection, clearly, clearly.”

The resolution indicates that Hurtado Lobato to make copies of notarial statements The defense of the Ayuso couple, which he carried out in connection with the filtering of messages exchanged between the entrepreneur Alberto González Amador and the Fiscal Against Economic Crimes. In one of those messages, it was admitted that “of course” Gonzalez Amador had committed two financial crimes.

According to the disclosed information, Pilar Sanchez Acerajefa de cabinet del actual ministro Oscar Lopez, Eliminate the culprits in WhatsApp's 13th year Juan Lobato.

La mano derecha de Oscar Lopez (que entonces era el Pedro Sanchez and a member of the Moncloa cabinet) involved Lobato's dissemination of a confidential communication between González Amador's lawyer and Fiscalia at the Pleno de la Asamblea de Madrid.

Lobato negó and decided to deposit these messages at the notary in Madrid at the end of October, as a reason to avoid the fiscal general le salpique.

Lobato difundió ayer domingo un comunicado que el que negaba que la la la documents que le remitió la chief de cabinet de Óscar López procediera de la Fiscalía.

“It is necessary to fight against information,” Lobato said. “Por esas razón accredité ante notario que ni los socialistas Madrileños ni Moncloa habíamos recibo de la Fiscalía ninguna información en absoluto relativa al novio de la Sra. Ayuso. Al vés, queda acreditado que. All information came from the media“.

Lots of filters

The filtering of protected information from the couple of the President of Madrid, therefore, Ministry of Finance for the Gobierno Presidency.

In addition, the Public Prosecutor's Office, which defended García Ortiz, asked Hurtado to call him on the 12th. Miguel Angel RodriguezAyuso's chief of staff, since the first information about the leaked emails referred to “fuentes de la defense” by González Amador.

En coincidencia con e filteración, en On the night of March 13, Ayuso's chief of staff published a message on X: “Resumen de la locura de hoy: la fiscalía ofrece por email un acuerdo al Mr. Antes de que pueda responder, la misma Fiscalía says that she has accepted the orders “de arriba” para que no haya acuerdo y, entonces, wayan a juicio”.

El magistrado Hurtado aún hec resuelto esta petition.

Stop a fiscal function

On the other hand, the instructor dictated a car in which he refused to agree to the temporary suspension of Alvaro García Ortiz as fiscal general of the state and Maria Pilar Rodríguez as fiscal general of the state of Madrid. In the charges of Manos Limpias y la Asociación Professional e Independiente de Fiscales.

This last one indicated that García Ortiz was the superior jerárquico del fiscal encargo del caso who could “give orders”.

The Supreme Court's counsel rejects this proposition because “it must be held that, if it occurs, such acts should not be clearly imputed to the approval of the executive. financial manager of the business”.

In addition, García Ortiz signed a decree in which he refrained from interfering in any way in the case.

“Fiscalia, como institución, que es algo que no cabe obviar, I tend to no acceder and temporary suspension,” he concluded.