Isabel Rodriguez is accused of “putting stakes in the wheels” in the housing settlement against Ayuso

Isabel Rodriguez is accused of “putting stakes in the wheels” in the housing settlement against Ayuso

Minister of Housing and Agenda Urbana, Isabel Rodriguez, yes sido la primera socialista castellano-manchega The 41º Congress intervened in the Federal PSOE The president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz, accused Ayuso of “putting a stake behind the wheel” of the government's move. en esta materia y ha abogado por make rules because “la barra libre en politica de vivienda suffocates a million people”.

La vivienda ha sido el tema elegido por los socialistas for abrir esta cita congresual que se celebrara durante todo el fin de semana en Sevilla. In this first event of the forum, Rodríguez shared the stage with the mayor of Getafe. Sarah Hernández; El Consejero de Vivienda and Agenda Urbana del País Vasco, Denis Itacho y el líder de los socialistas cantabros, Pablo Zuloaga.

During his intervention, Isabel Rodríguez claimed the action of the government of Pedro Sanchez on housingWith the approval of the Housing Law, the PP condemned “palos en las ruedas” by communities, more specifically in Madrid, he informed. European press.

Senora Ayuso causes thousands of Madrileños to become trapped En un mercado del alquiler que implica que tengan que estar destinando el 60, el 70 o el 80% de sus rentas, cuando no el 100%, de su malario para pagar un alquiler”, Ha Castellano-Manchega criticized.

On the contrary, “regulación” is protected by porque. Materia de viventa “la barra libre no funciona”. Madrid had the most courageous people for the socialists, and on Ley de Vivienda, on March 1, the city of Ayuso was rebuilt.

“Esta Gobierno cree en el Estado de las Autonomías y respeta sus compétencias, pero sobre todo exige que give a priority to perform basic powers“, he concluded.