Pedro Sánchez closed the 41st Federal Congress of the PSOE in Seville and took a modest responsibility: the PSOE plays the role of referent of the left to save humanity from the reactionary wave controlled by the right and extreme right. And que eso suceda, él tiene que gubernar al menos otros siete años.
Gobierno's president and general secretary of the Socialists consider his speech more international than usual. Las derechas capable de parar in Spain, que fue el lemma de las priore ecciones generales.
Nor is it that the social democrats are responsible for stopping the “ultras” in Europe, which was the central idea of the last European elections. PSOE -con él al frentetiene que leaders are exposed to humanitarian influences today.
“Uno de nuestros retos es la transformation del order global. O lossocialistas españoles leaderamos la renewal de las institución internacionales o poco de lo que hagamos en casa podra podrarar”, ha dicho Sánchez.
“Spain, Europe and the world are about to cross the equator of a decisive decade, a decade in which it will be decided whether the social progress of the last 40 years will be consolidated or crushed by the hatred and prejudice of the right. la ultraderecha,” he added.
Para Sánchez, la decade siguiente será en la que solutionrá si los Estados del bienestare seguien creciendo, si la “democratia sigue expandiendo”, si “el feminismo vance al patriarcado”, si se avanza en derechos a laboralescoralcase against changing climate conditions. “Nosotros seremos la voz de esas causas justas,” he said.
El Presidente del Gobierno insisted that the Spanish PSOE should raise a series of “flags” in places like Brussels, Washington or New York to inspire “the many socialists who are orphaned by referents in their country”.
Además, Sánchez answers this question, “Corrections on history”. “Ya no miramos fuera buscando inspiración. Somos nosotros inspiración para otros. Hoy somos un pilar de la Socialdemocracia en Europa y en el mundo y por eso nos acacan”, he added.
Culmen del qurbanismo
Since the PSOE started the federal congress last Friday, most of the top officials who attended raised a discourse in which they defined themselves as victims of “manhunting”. The secretary of the organization, Santos Cerdan, called the numerous cases of corruption attacking the party as such.
Cerdán llegó a decir incluso que esas cacería se producía as in “the court”. Although Sanchez didn't go so far as to remind the judges in his speech this Sunday, he took the culmination of his sacrifice.
“Este ultimo año, los tolerantes nos han acosado con bulos y campañas de disinformación por tierra, mar y aire”, ha dicho Sánchez, que ha commentado que ha meditado “much” si dar un passo “a un lado o atrás”. Say, dejar de sir Presidente del Gobierno.
“He can get to know his family very well,” she said. “La conclusion de esas reflection es la razon por la que estoy hoy aquí. Si algo nos toca y todas, en el miento de las responsibilities que tengamos, es dar un paso al frente, no un paso a un lado ni atrás”, he he added.
Sánchez said “vencerlos no va a ser fácil y algunos creerán que es una misión imposible”. “Tal vez sea cierto, but no menos cierto es que no es la primera vez que los socialistas transformamos metas imposibleos en una realidad,” he added.
The president tried to turn this sacrificial energy into an electoral asset serving his people. “Hey que gobernar para hacer avanzar nuestros municipios, provincias, territorios y nuestro país. This is the priority: volver a ganar lassecciones autonomicas, municipales y generales”, he concluded.
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