Pedro Sánchez announces that the government will create a “great imperial public association” to build and manage the houses.

Pedro Sánchez announces that the government will create a “great imperial public association” to build and manage the houses.

Pedro SanchezIn his first speech after being elected PSOE secretary-general for the fourth time, the government ““a great imperial society capable of housing and governing”. Para from the State General Administration fomenter el alquiler available.

Ha sido uno de los “important announcements” What did Sánchez do? modo de broche finale al 41º Congreso Federal del PSOE celebrated this Sunday in Seville that he was confirmed as the Socialist General Secretary of his new direction.

After accusing the PP of “attacks” on the Housing Law, Sanchez announced that his government would respond by acting in the Official Gazette of the State. con una nueva politica progressista. Ha sido entonces cuando ha signalado que si sufren ataques con la ley vivienda se va a responder con medidas como la que ha en el cónclave socialista announced: Creation of a large public housing company.

Sin embargo, no details nada más sobre esta empresa publica que se incargará de construir y management are viviendas.

“We will ban the conversion of residential houses into tourist houses in areas with high demand.” Impulsar la construcción la vivienda en alquiler affordable como nunca antes se había hecho en España“he defended amid the applause of the people 7000 assistants Reunidos este domingo en el cónclave de Sevilla.

Thus, Sánchez reaffirms his bet on one of the main “warhorses” of the current legislature. Impulse by Gobierno la Ley de Vivienda o ICO loans worth 4,000 million euros.

On Friday, within the framework of the Federal Congress, the Minister of Housing and Urban Affairs, Isabel Rodriguezdefense “The housing problem will disappear Enter the constitución plasmaron in the Carta Magna. Be sure that the PSOE “Estado del bienestar levantó los cuatro pilares del Estado del bienestar y. ahora levantará el quinto: “el derecho a la videña digna”.

Recognizing the importance of the housing problem in Spain, the PSOE brought up the issue of banning the conversion of residential houses into tourist and temporary housing in areas with high stop speculation, to hold prices and to secure the right of citizenship to the house.. Furthermore, socialists pretend to preserve permanent public ownership of public housing.

Las promesas en Vivienda del 23J

PSOE has already committed to the election program for the general elections on July 23, 2023 Construction of 183,000 public housing units for renthalf of which will be for youth. También and ampliar el Bono de Alquiler Joven You can create a financial system with a coordination system to spend up to 30,000 euros.

Los Socialistas también recogía en su program Get a mortgage loan Recogidas en el código de buenas practicas a rentas de 37,800 euros.

Finally, the PSOE promised to implement all measures of the housing law Increase up to 20% of public housing stock, apoyar a los jóvenes para el acceso a la videña en régimen de property direct assistance to obtain ordinary housing in municipalities or settlements with a population of less than 10,000 or in a cooperative regime, or place of residence.