La Fiscalía ruled again during an investigation by judge Beatriz Biedma. David SanchezPresident of Hermano del Gobierno Pedro Sánchez.
Fiscal Begonha García, who manages the escrito of Al Juzgado de Instrucción número 3 de Badajoz, emphasizes that this resolution does not detail “los indicios existentes” against the family of the Chief Executive.
In addition to David Sanchez, the mag referred to as being investigated until 2025 Miguel Angel GallardoSecretary General and President of the PSOE extremeño Diputación de BadajozOrganism of the year 2017, conservatory coordinator with Pedro Sánchez hermana. También, the largest trabajadores in the province.
“Ni siquiera se indican los concreto delitos por los que se investiga a cada uno de ellos”, criticizes Ministeri Público regarding the judge's decision. However, Biedma prescribes “no specification to stop the research work”.
The judge referred to “the public affairs of the Administration” and the “guarantee of defense (…) el derecho de defense” and “negligence protection” in the resolution regarding Sanchez and Gallardo. So far, neither of the two investigators has made a statement in front of the judge.
“We must point out that there is no reason in the case (…) in terms of the prevention of non-investigative penalties and the importance of defense (…) Debe ser resuelta con anterioridad al despliegue declaraciones”, exige la Fiscalía.
David Azagra
El music David Sánchez, cuyo nombre artístico es David Azagraes composer. since 2017, Contrasted with the Diputación de Badajoz. First, to coordinate the progress of the conservatories, como jefe de la Oficina de Artes Escénicas del ente provinciale. Later, he was assigned to direct the project Opera Joventries to promote this music genre in the region.
This court case began with a complaint by the syndicate of Manos Limpias, who accused Sanchez. “cobrar sin ir a trabajar”. También, de residir en Portugal “para pagar menos impuestos”. For this reason, you are guilty of celebrities, Hazte Oír associations.
In fact, Azagra lives in a palace in the neighborhood of Elvas, near the border with Extremadura. Ahora bien Information about Hacienda descartó que esta action suponga un delito fiscal.
As Avanzó EL ESPAÑOL, judge Biedma ordered the Guardia Civil to seize thousands of e-mails from the professional accounts of Azagra, Gallardo and other charges of the Diputacion. Do you have a goal? Pedro Sánchez provinciale del ente parte del hermano de la contratura indagar en las que se se produjo la contratura del hermano.
“Delitos on Management”
David Sánchez and at the discretion of the declarant, the Unidad Central Operativa (UCO) can be given detailed information at the Guardia Civil. emails“Crimes against the authorities have a relative logical justification.”
Por ello, the judge noted that “At the present moment of the Court, y once applied the efforts of the investigation to determine the origin of the continuation of the present instruction, guaranteeing the full effectiveness of this right. defense and investigation to avoid investigation, defense materials, investigations and declarations.
Along with David Sánchez Pérez-Castejón and Miguel Ángel Gallardo, Beatriz Biedma cited as investigated: Elisa Moriano (Director of the Área de Cultura y Acción of the Ciudadana de la Diputación de Badajoz between 2015 and 2019), Christina Nunes (Diputada del Área de Cultura, Juventud y Bienestar Social until July 2018), Juana Cintas (Director of the Human Resources and Internal Regime Area of the Diputación de Badajoz between 2015 and 2023), Manuel Candalia (Jef de servicio de Actividades Culturales, Juveniles y Deportivas ente diciembre de 2015 y Augusto de 2023, actualmente, director del Área de Cultura, Deporte y Deportivas) y Felix Gonzalez Marquez (Actual Head of Administration and General Affairs Department and formerly Head of Human Resource Management Department).
Tambien, a Emilia Parejo Castle (Director of the Área de Cultura, Juventud y Bienestar de la Diputación until 2023 and currently coordinator of the Área de Igualdad Delegation) Francisco Martos Ortiz (Diputado delegado del Área de Cultura y Deportes since 2019).
Likewise, the judge found it “necessary, appropriate and useful” to testify as witnesses to the successive directors of the Conservatorio Superior de Musica de Badajoz, as well as the director of the Conservatorio Profesional de la ciudad. Also, according to the quality of the testigos-experts, the authors of the Hacienda report are acquitting David Sanchez of the fiscal crime that Manos Limpias' complaint attributed to him.
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