Adiós al platano: a dried fruit that triples potassium, contains vitamin B6 and boosts the immune system.

Adiós al platano: a dried fruit that triples potassium, contains vitamin B6 and boosts the immune system.

Adiós al platano: a dried fruit that triples potassium, contains vitamin B6 and boosts the immune system.

Potassium is an essential mineral for the proper functioning of our body. Having the right levels helps the nervous system, muscles (including the heart) contract properly and nutrition improves.from assimilation of elements to elimination of waste. According to the US National Institutes of Health, the recommended daily allowance for men is 3,400 milligrams and for women 2,600 milligrams. Desgracia, lo autual es que tanto hombres como mujeres tengan una A potassium-deficient dietque les deja por termo medio algo lejos de esas cifras.

Many alimentos cotidianos que lo contienen, pero el the very famous es el platano. However, there are others that are also a source rich in potassium in a greater proportion and are less habitual in the daily Spanish diet without being exotic.

Los pistachios

Pistachio hand triples the amount of potassium in 100 grams of banana. According to the Spanish Nutrition Federation (FEN), pistachios contain 811 mg per 100 grams, while bananas contain 350 mg. Respecto a la zanahoria posee solo 255 mg. In addition, they contain antioxidants, proteins and healthy fats. Normal cholesterol is very effective in preventing macular degeneration. It is also anti-inflammatory, contains vitamin B6 and boosts immunity

Otros alimentos con más potassium que el platano

There is a great variety of alimentos like potassium que el platano. Last los siguientes:

La Calabaza

Betacarotenos have antioxidant properties, which is why tomatoes are good for the eyelids. Focus on natural contraceptives for natural protection: además, baja la rationa arterial y mitiga el efecto civovo de los excesses con la sal, por lo que también collabora cuidar los sanguinogo.

El boniato

Also llamado batata, sobre todo en América Latina, este tubérculo dulce supera largamente and potassium al platano (casi el doble) y tiene betakarotenos, vitamin C y, curiosamente, muy poco azúcar. Ideal for salads, purees and desserts.

Las acelegas

It contains slightly more potassium, which has a herbal effect. Rich in vitamins A, C and K (que refuerza los huesos)además de tener magnesio y ironro. Además, como tiene nitrates naturales, los vasos sanguinigos al dilatarlos.

Otros aliados con mucho potassium

It contains potassium, which is important for diarrhea. apricot, avocado, apple, orange, spinach, cabbage, tomato, pepinoeggplant, carrots, potatoes, white beans, peas, white yogurt, chicken, halibut, tuna or cod.