El jurado del Literature Premio in Lengua Castellana Miguel de CervantesCompatible with 2024, ha elegido Alvaro Pombo and García de los Ríos como ganador de la edition de este año. The award is worth 125,000 euros and constitutes the most prestigious prize for letters in Spanish.
El Cervantes was awarded last year to the Spanish writer Luis Mateo Diez, and the first to the Venezuelan Rafael Cadenas. Previously, this prize was awarded to the Uruguayan writer Cristina Peri Rossi (2021), consecutively to two Spanish writers – Francisco Brines (2020) and Joan Margarita (2019) and to two Latin Americans – Uruguayan Ida Vitale (2018) and Nicaraguan. Sergio Ramírez (2017)-, is the usual alternative choice.
Eduardo Mendoza (2016), Fernando del Paso (2015), Juan Goytisolo (2014), Elena Poniatowska (2013), José Manuel Caballero Bonald (2012) Nicanor (2012) (2012) and 2016 along with the best selections there is , input.
In 1976, Jorge Guillen, one of the greatest figures of his generation of 27, received the first of these awards, and since then 42 others have succeeded: 20 Hispanics and 22 Hispanic Americans. In 1979, a Gerardo Diego and Jorge Luis Borges agreed to the “previous aequo”.
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