Álvaro Pombo, Premio Cervantes 2024, original genius of the unclassifiable

Álvaro Pombo, Premio Cervantes 2024, original genius of the unclassifiable

Álvaro Pombo, Premio Cervantes 2024, original genius of the unclassifiable

He is considered the subjective renovator del realism of Spanish literature.l escritor santanderino Álvaro Pombo es ante todo un genial autor unclassifiableúnico en su estilo, con una extensa y premiada obra que ha situado su nombre entre los grandes de las letras hispanas. This Tuesday the Cervantes Prize 2024 was awarded to Alvaro Pombo and García de los Ríos (Santander, 1939) is a poet and novelist, as well as the late essayist, who published his first essay on religion in more than 80 years. He is also an academician of the RAE and intervened in politics in 2011 when he participated in the UPyD lists in the elections.

Intellectual de vanguardia, fue una de las These are public figures of homosexuality With a passion for the classics, he divided his interests between philosophy and literature. His narratives, seemingly simple, are full of humor, costume, and symbolism within a tradition rooted in his taste for philosophy and literary classics.

Filosofía from the University of Madrid, Pombo is a Bachelor of Arts from El Birberk College, London. For ten years, between 1966 and 1977, he worked as a telephone operator at a bank in the British capital and Are you interested in traditional English literature? Ya de vuelta en España, fue emploado in Madrid del Banco Hispano, until 1984, carried out a matching activity with the labor literature.

In 1973, he published his first book, el pomario.Protocols', then 'Variaciones' (1977), together with the premio El Bardo de nuevos poetas; 'Hacia una constitución poética del año en curso' (1980) and 'Los enunciados protocolarios' (2009). Dentro de la povest began publishing short stories in 1977 and the novel El parecido two years later.

In 1983, he presented the Herralde prize with two novels, “El hijo acceptivo”, signed under the pseudonym José Carrasco, for which he was a finalist, and “El héroe de las mansardas de Mansard”, for which he received the award. .

Pombo is an award-winning author for works such as “Donde las mujeres,” which won the National Narrative Award in 1997; 'La cuadratura del círculo', Premio Fastenrath de 2001 or 'El cielo raso', Premio Fundación José Manuel Lara.

Por “El metro de platino iridiado”, which is considered one of the most original and ambitious works of Spanish narrativeIn 1991, he received the Premio Nacional de la Crítica. 'Contra natura' (2005) won the Ciudad de Barcelona and Salambo awards. In 2009 he won the Premio Comunidad de Madrid en Literatura award for his novel “El temblor del heroe” and in 2012 the El Nadal award.

In 2006, El Premio Planeta le llegó With La Fortuna de Matilda Turpin, it was considered his greatest novel. “El temblor del heroe” was a novel published after he moved into politics in 2012, organizing meetings with sympathizers of UPyD, the party that nominated him as a senator, though “fortunately” he did not succeed. un escaño

Una novela en la que abordó algunos de sus habituales theme como las complejas relaciones, la lineness, las ificultados para mantener amor and la la la fragilidad.

Para Pombo, currently, el desinterés es “el nucleus de todo”: “Podemos dejar que las cosas se vayan a la porra, que las relaciones se deterioren, o podemos hacer una speccie de cosa ambigua, pero las circunstancias contemporaneas loven mucho esta esta esta situation de falta de susstancia de situationa de falta de susstancia de lasofalstaas de” , the author emphasized.

También ha tratado en alguna de sus novelas la homosexualidad, como en “Cielo raso”; Contra natura' (2005), he dealt with the sentimental relationship between two homosexuals and won the Ciudad de Barcelona and Salambo awards.

Deli saber comportarse o no y de la conditiono humana través de los grandes conditiono que que tormentan a sus personajes tratan muchas de sus obras, en las que aborda el concepto de laverdad. También sobre este asunto habló en su discurso de Admission to Real Language Academy in 2004de la “firme voluntad de verdad” que había guided su vida.

De su paso por la politica, Pombo recalled how the speeches and the applause made one “vanidoso,” which he said was not good for this writer, and so he was glad that he did not reach the chair because he was conscious. .

Bromea con su edad y confía en que cuando se muera “dentro de nada”, porque ya está con “un pie en la sepultura”, habra un recuerdo de su poesía: “Estoy casi desiando morirme para verlo desde el otro mundo”.