Pendientes del cielo, un año más, pero con «todo listo» for estrenar la temporada, las ski stations de la Comunidad is awaiting the arrival of the necessary snow that will allow it to open its doors in the near future. Puente de la Constitución. Despite the fact that a cold front is expected for these dates, the forecast is not the most favorable, but according to the executive president of the group Aramon, Antonio Gericothere will be que valorar «día a día». El 'holding' aragonés presented a new campaign this jueves in Madrid. Investment record, 20 million eurosespecially en la in the center mejora de los innovation systems with the goal of surpassing a million skiers.
It happened last year. In the Pyrenees, there was little precipitation in the form of snow. The exact cold has allowed me to test the balls, but there is a front covering the mountains of Aragon to give the ski campaign a starting weapon. There is no problem for the constitution, but no difficulty, but no impossibility. This will depend on the deposited thickness and the temperature drop.
“Hay que mirar día a día, con llegada del invierno cambia speede el tiempo, The day is getting shorter and colder and we will be getting ready to reach the bridge», commented Gerico, que no cerró la puerta a ningún escenario.
There is no El mismo analysis Candanchu. “Estamos a la espera de las precipitaciones, We need a snowy and low temperature front to support the balls.apuntaban fuentes de la estación, que mantenían la “uncertidumbre” sobre la fecha de apertura.
More weapons and more durable
Two years ago, although the season was short, it partially opened on December 3rd, but after 128 days of operation, Aramón achieved what he achieved. a million skiers. There is an obstacle. 800,000 users.
Aramón has made a historic effort to strengthen its snow systems. Nunca antes había invertido tanto el 'holding' Aragonés, 20 million euros, que forman parte de un plan one varios años que triplicará ese disembolso.
“It's about rebuilding all innovation systems, it's more modern nos permiten hacer nieve en temperatures más altas, en menos tiempo, con un coste energetico menor y con una hella hella de carbono», related to Gerico. Start, Aramón busca “Combating the effects of climate change” And “ser capas de mantener los centros abiertos desde el inicione hasta el finale, con lo que eso significa en los territorios donde operamos y toda la la la economy que se meeve allredador de las estaciones de squí en los valles de montaared”.
In concrete terms, this first phase of investment in “capture” stations (Cerler, Formigal-Panticosa, Javalambre and Valdelinares) has prioritized the improvement of the existing snowball network. Installed 609 innovative, of which 230 are optimized and 379 are new. In total, it will have 1,680 vehicles, an increase of 28%, and reach 78.5 kilometers covered by the latest generation systems.
In addition, since the end of April, progress has been made in the conditioning of electrical installations and water reservoirs, and necessary projects for the implementation of the next stages of this investment plan have been promoted. del Plan Pirineos y el Fondo de Inversión de Teruel (FITE)started by Government of Aragon.
When the climax is reached, Aramón will increase the kilometers of pista innivadas by 65% 96% más de capacidad de agua embalsada according to the actual surface. De iqual modo, “the modernization of the facilities will make it possible reduce energy consumption by 31%as well as CO2 emissions, as well as optimization of starting temperatures for more efficient operation,” the company quoted.
Eventually, Aramon will turn around ocio más allá de la actividad deportiva, con una variada oferta gastronómica y centenary of musical events at the famous “après-ski”. de cada uno de los centros invernales del groupo.
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