Children with cerebral palsy are excluded from early care until the age of 5: “Se oferta con limitaciones”

Children with cerebral palsy are excluded from early care until the age of 5: “Se oferta con limitaciones”

Children with cerebral palsy are excluded from early care until the age of 5: “Se oferta con limitaciones”

La Confederación Española de Asociaciones de Atención y las Personas con Cerebral palsy (Space Confederation) warned this Wednesday that the age of termination of other services or early care for boys and girls with cerebral palsy and/or high support needs is 4.94.

To this end, considering the necessity of Atención Temprana and Aspace infantil desarrollo apoyo desarrollo de los servicios de los minores con paralisis “priorizar el acceso immediato”, increasing the number of specialized sessions que recibean.

This is one of the most important information 'Sobre la situación estudio of the Atención Temprana network y apoyo al desarrollo infantil en niños y niñas con cerebral palálisis y/o grandes necessitas de apoyo' Atención Early de entitas Aspace, developed by a group of experts in collaboration with Madrid Fundación Gmp.

This information is reflected again la detection temprana sigue siendo poco espalcialidad y desvinculada de la Atención Temprana en niños y niñas con cerebral paralisis y/o grandes necessidades de apoyo. Enter Confederate Space, falta coordination Atención Temprana services such as intersectoral services, educational centers, sanidad, social services, other services and families.

The welcome act of the presentation with the participation of Nekane Orella, project manager of Fundación Gmp; and President of the Space Confederation, Manuela Muroqueen, teniendo en cuenta las cifras arrojadas por el studio lamentó que en España “la Atención Temprana” offer too many restrictionsy, concretely con specto a la paralisis cerebral”. Desde Confederación Kosmos defienden una Atención Temprana “free, universal, multidisciplinary and transversal for all people in need”.

Then, he continued with a la presentation of research on early attention in children with cerebral palsyConfederación Aspace and studio coordinator, Julia García-Risco, queen puso de manifesto que, queen puso de manifesto que, a la falta de recursos estatales, casi la mitad de las entities, un 47.6% concrete, no pueden, or pueden only partially meets the needs De Atención Temprana para niños y niñas en la total de range de edad entre 0 y los 6 años.

Desde Aspace defienden una Atención Temprana “Free, universal, multidisciplinary and transversal for all people who need it”

The presentation of the study also included a table of experiences and results of professionals and families. Specifically, Alter Civites consultants and researchers of the study, Nuria Bayarri and Meritxell Prat, explained the methodology and disclosed the results of the study and recalled that the study revealed the manifesto. 90.5% Atención Temprana de Aspace están en zonas urbanas de los servicios.

He then went to the table of experiences formed by Ainhize Ruiz, director of the Early Care Service of Aspace Bizkaia, and Nerea Ojeda, the mother of a young user of the Early Care Service of the same institution.

This study has an objective Review and analyze the status of early attention services in cerebral palsy in various autonomous communities and Space institutions.