BOE formalizes €10,600m aid plan for DANA victims

BOE formalizes €10,600m aid plan for DANA victims

BOE formalizes €10,600m aid plan for DANA victims

El Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE) ha publicado en la mañana de este miercoles el 10,600 million euro relief plan intended for palliar los efectos de la DANA, which includes direct assistance, fiscal and labor measures, as well as lines of guarantees approved by the Government to face the costs incurred by the disaster for SMEs, self-employed people and families.

In a royal decree of about 50 pages signed by King Felipe VI and the President of the Government Pedro Sánchez, the BOE gathers all the measures approved by the Council of Ministers on Tuesday with the aim of restoring normalcy in the affected areas el temporal, y que se enmarcan dentro del 'Plan to respond immediately, rebuilding and rebuilding the community of Valencia.

The plan will go into effect tomorrow and will be sent to Congress for approval and public debate. Will apply 78 municipalitiesthe majority are in the Community of Valencia (75 in the province of Valencia, 2 in Castilla-La Mancha and 1 in Andalusia). The package is valued at 10,600 million euros, but will be expanded according to needs, the Gobierno explained yesterday.

The package, which includes direct aid, fiscal and labor measures, includes a new line of guarantees called ICO-DANA. 5,000 million euros Pymes, autonomos y también families, como novedad, puedan solicitar créditos avalados for el Gobierno para hacer frente a los sufridos por la catástrofe.

These are the main helpers:

60,000 euros for the patient and 150,000 euros for the patient empresa

Entre las medidas que recoge este real decreto del Gobierno, se quadriplican las ayudas publicas previstas en la law por deathecimiento, incapacidad, daños en seres y en vivienda, sin umbrales de renta.

Specifically, anyway incompetence Assistance will be up to 72,000 euros, between 20,000 and 60,000 euros for house repairs, and up to 10,300 euros for replacing or restoring furniture or appliances. In addition, assistance for the repair of elements of neighbors' communities will be up to 37 thousand euros.

Likewise, the Consorcio de Compensación de Seguros, which depends on the Economy, will start paying the first compensations today to families and companies that have lost their cars.

Ayudas directas para pymes and autonomos

Las ayudas directas para pymes y autónomas will be 838 million euros: los autónomos will receive 5,000 euros, en el caso de las empresas, oscilarán entre los 10,000 y los 150,000 euros.

To get them, just enter your bank account number and start paying in less than a month to benefit 65,000 self-employed workers and 30,000 companies.

Similarly, an ICO-DANA guarantee line worth 5,000 million euros is being created for companies and autonomous people. It will cost 1,000 million euros.

Even if there is no required minimum period of cotización and they can receive help in the future without reducing their benefits, it includes a severance allowance for the self-employed corresponding to 70% of the contribution base. .

Temporarily depreciates by 15%

Temporary emergencies can provoke the psychology of DANA, which guarantees 75% of salary from the first day.

In addition, the aid will allow a 15% increase over three months for pensioners without minimum living income or insurance payments.

With the labor reform, affected companies temporarily suspending their employees through the ERTE will be exempted from paying 100% of their employees' social security contributions until at least February 2025.

Mortgages and loans for Ayudas

Los ciudadanos y las pymes que tengan una hipoteca o un prênto al consumo porgan el pago íntegro de sus créditos durante 3 meses, y pagar solo los interes durante 9 meses adicionales.

Best tools to apply:

– Exemption from IBI as per 2024 exercise.

-Reduction of IAE corresponding to exercise 2024.

– You will not have to pay tolls or the Police to remove damaged vehicles or replace your driver's license and DNI.

-Las ayudas for damages personales quedan exentas de tributación en IRPF.

– Postponed the second payment of tax returns until 2025 for 200,000 taxpayers affected by DANA

– Reduction of IRPF and IVA and exploitation and activation of agricultural areas of the affected zones.

Emergency assistance

The government has pledged to cover 100% of the emergency costs of the affected municipalities and up to 50% of all work to be carried out over the next few months and years to repair infrastructure, facilities and services such as carreteras. polideportivo, o centros civicos.

De igual forma, se reinforcerán los juzgados y los teams de notarios y registrares de la property, para que que que peik, los ciudadanos puedan certificar la ubicación sus bien imuebles de la forma simple.