Patronal He rejected the offer he put on the table Minister of Labor to reduce jornada laboral 37.5 hours is the legal maximum. CEOE ha this tuesday noted un Comité Ejecutivo extraordinario para fijar su position ante la que el Gobierno ha warned de que será su “latest offers” for a three-way option con patronal y sindicatos. In his last meeting last Tuesday, the executive asked the social agents who gave him a “yes or no” answer to the offer before November 11, and the employers have already decided. CEOE y Cepyme se descuelgan, all review que el recorte generalizado del tiempo de trabajo “tiene poco sentido” y que su modification por ley es una “intromisión” en la lagociación intromisión en la lagociación collective employer and sindicatos.
“There is El Comité Ejecutivo extraordinario de CEOE unanimously rejected The proposal of the Ministry of Labor to legally reduce the working day”, he announced the work organization in a joint notice published together with Cepyme, which subscribes to the negative. “CEO and Cepyme, desde la responsabilidad, no pueden apoyar dicha proposal”, recalculate.
Los empresarios que la reucción del tiempo de trabajo por ley que pretende acometer el Gobierno disputes with supone. una “intromisión en la autonomía de la negociación collective”. Believe me, this issue is a “targeted material” de los convenios colectivos y port tanto no es esciso legislar al specto, sino que ha de ser abortdada bilateral agentes por agentes sociales y patronal. “The approval of this norm does nothing but weaken the framework of collective negotiations, which has been the basis for maintaining social peace for the last 40 years,” said the CEO, adding that Cepyme has agreed conventions with 37.5-hour working days.
In this sense, employers argue that the reduction of working time is discussed taking into account its characteristics within companies and different sectors. “Use it in general, first of all, first of all si se tiene en cuenta las enormes dificultados existentes entre los distinctos económicos y entre comunidades autonomas”, they claim. The CEO and Cepyme assure that the reduction of the working day by law will affect many companies, especially SMEs and companies. autonomous“a una reorganización forzada que There are internal organizational capabilities to ensure health.”
The latest proposal of the Ministry of Labor to reduce the working day to 37.5 hours contains specific measures aimed at small and medium enterprises. As a result, it was included in the department Yolanda Diaz This includes direct grants of up to €6,000 to companies with fewer than five employees Commerce, hostelry, peluquería, limpieza y agricultura que se vean afectadas por la reucción de jornada. Según Trabajo aims to “stimulate” productivity in these lagging sectors with “highly efficient” operating formulas, such as e-commerce or the digitization of hourly registration systems.
“Increasing productivity in companies with a small workforce is the best element to face the day of decline, because the creation of employment is perhaps more difficult”, in this sense, the Secretary of State for Labor Joaquín Pérez Rey defended. Embargo of guilt, the employer cannot increase productivity. “Difficulties related to increasing productivity and reducing losses En un tejido productiveo compuesto en alrededor de un 98% for pymes y autónomos, y donde los sectors con major aortación al PIB están ligando, entre otros, a los servicios or elturismo”, Señalan CEOE and Cepyme in joint collaboration.
Además de las ayudas directa a micropymes ofrecidas en la última reunion -que el Gobierno calcula que pélás beneficiar 470,000 companies with a total investment of 350-375 million euros-, the job offer also includes un plan de ascompañamiento y asesoramiento a pequeñas y medianas empresas de menos de 10 trabajadores Bonificaciones de jornada la reucción afectadas between 20% and 100%, así como bonificaciones para la conversion de contratos parciales en empleos full time and contratos definidos. If you contact the employer, if you contact your employer, you are reaffirming your negative attitude.
Un acuerdo con los sindicatos
The Secretary of State for Labor stressed this Tuesday that the employers' rejection will not stop the government's intention to reduce the working day to 37.5 hours, as the PSOE and Sumar agreed in the government agreement. Diaz department is there I am only willing to push for a cut in working hours with the unionsque ven con buenos ojos el planteamiento del Gobierno, en el que se se vé regular también el derecho a la connexiondan y modificar el registro horario.
“Buscaremos un acuerdo con las organização syndicales for transladar and antes al Congreso de los Deputados esta reforma capital”, ha signalado en rueda de prensa Pérez Rey preguntado, hour antes antes antes conocersse la postura de la workera, por qué hía el ministry en caso de los empresarios mantuvieran su negativa. “Intentaremos que los syndic present mesa nos respalden,” he insisted, pointing out that some measures intended to bring the positions closer to the employers without the employer would be delayed in the negotiations with the UGT and CCOO. “Of course, we will work to reach an agreement with the trade union organizations. Algunas medidas en el texto que se acomoden a lo que peiden las organization syndicales need to be established,” he explained.
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