El chef José Andrés provides a variety of services at DANA.

El chef José Andrés provides a variety of services at DANA.

El chef José Andrés provides a variety of services at DANA.

El chef José Andrés y water ONG World Center Kitchen ha repartido este sábado Numerous raciones de comida caliente Chiva and other nearby cities Valencia seriously affected Calf.

At noon in Chiva, José Andrés went to the door of the city hall, because that's where he does it. acopio de la comida que se reparte entre los afectados y ha ayudado a download part alimento caliente que llevaba, así como varios sacos con bocadillos y paquetes con botellas de agua.

He spoke with the mayor of Amparo Fort, asking him about the state of the region. cuántas raciones necesita each day and he also promised to be back with more help in the next few days.

The presence of José Andrés aroused the interest and sympathy of numerous neighbors and volunteers in the area and, according to municipal sources, it was produced in one day. ha recorrido otras poblaciones cercanas.

World Center KitchenIt is an organization founded by José Andrés sin fines de lucro Natural disasters or conflicts.