A car hit several people in front of an elementary school in China

A car hit several people in front of an elementary school in China

A car hit several people in front of an elementary school in China

Varias personas han resultado heridas este martes por la mañana después de que A group of embistiera for students and students frente a la Escuela Primaria de la ciudad china de Changde, en la provincial capital de Hunan, reported the state chain CCTV.

The incident happened in the morning when students were gathering near Yongan Education Center in Dingcheng District to start the school day.

Local authorities have approved different media están investigando el sucesso and collecting data to determine the number of people affected and the severity of injuries.

On national platforms such as Weibo, news, though not footage, of the incident circulated in a new example of intense data surveillance in China.

The sin embargo is censored on international networks like X, the Asian giant, Unverified videos have been circulatedshows a man forcibly immobilized after being pulled from a white SUV.

While attacks on crowds have been reported in the Asian country, the number of sporadic attacks on passers-by, usually by knife-wielding assailants, has increased over the past year.

Este atropello ocurre barely a week después de que A 62-year-old man hit a group of people with his car Frente a un centro deportivo en la ciudad china de Zhuhai left at least 35 dead and 43 injured before fleeing.

This latest case has intensified the anxiety Safety in public places in the country.

Last year, another pedestrian accident in Canton province also killed six people and injured 29 others.

La prensa local y los internautas suelen categorizar estos episodios como “Revenge Against Society” Torts against individuals arising out of frustration due to legal, sentimental or commercial disputes.