A group of scientists has identified a genetic variation that can predict type 2 diabetes

A group of scientists has identified a genetic variation that can predict type 2 diabetes

A group of scientists has identified a genetic variation that can predict type 2 diabetes

A group of scientists from the field of Diabetes and Related Metabolic Diseases (CIBERDEM), Institut d'Investigació Sanitària Pere Virgili (IISPV) and Universidad de Barcelona They identified a variant of the GDF15 gene (rs1054564). This discovery may serve to predict type 2 diabetes and subclinical atherosclerosis.

“Although the results suggest the rs1054564 variant as a promising marker, For large groups, many studies are needed to confirm these findings and evaluate their clinical applicability,” said Montse Guardiola, CIBERDEM/IISPV investigator and the first firm of the work, from the Red Center for Biomedical Research (CIBER).

The study was published in the journal International Journal of Molecular Sciencesanalyzed three genetic variants (rs888663, rs1054564, and rs1059369) in 153 individuals, both in healthy individuals and in patients with metabolic diseases such as diabetes and obesity. Los datos han mostroto que The rs1054564 variant is associated with high blood GDF15 levelswith a 16% increase in glucose levels, 2.4 times the likelihood of developing atherosclerotic plaques, and a “significantly greater” incidence of diabetes compared to non-carriers.

The analysis also identified the role of GDF15 as a cytokine. A protein that regulates metabolic and immunological responses en el cuerpo. El GDF15 is associated with the response to metabolic stress, which contributes to inadequate regulation of metabolic stress. glucose and the development of atherosclerotic plaques.

“The real result Contribute to strategic strategies for personalization for prevention diseases Metabólicas y cardiovascularos”, said CIBERDEM/IISPV researcher Ricardo Rodríguez-Calvo. It reinforces the role of GDF15 as a biomarker of the mentioned pathologies.

Researchers Emma Barroso Fernández and María García-Altares from CIBERDEM/IISPV also participated in the study, which is part of the PIM04 intramural project from CIBERDEM. In addition, It was carried out by different groups of CIBERDEMLed by Josep Ribalta and Francesc Xavier Correig Blanchart from CIBERDEM/IISPV and Manuel Vázquez Carrera from CIBERDEM/UB.