Poco antes de que comenzase en Sevilla el 41º PSOE Congress, Madrid PSOE General Secretary, Juan Lobato, he presented the notarial action to the Supreme Court where Moncloa's involvement in the leaks against Isabel Diaz Ayuso's boyfriend is confirmed.
Alberto González Amador, Alberto González Amador's confidential financial statement documents and Moncloa le ofrece el akta recogidos del passado mes de marzo, recogidos en el acta. It is the last knock on the door of the Socialist Congress. The Socialists were shown alongside Pedro Sánchez's government in the Andalusian capital, which has been beset by scandals and accusations of corruption.
He filed a notarized declaration before Juan Lobato. they raise suspicions about Moncloa's involvement in filtering the email sent to Fiscalia. Un pacto que le librara la de la cárcel 'email' to escape fraud and fraud by Ayuso. No obstacle, tampoco queda en evdenida que fuera la Fiscalía quien lo remitiera. This will force the Supreme Court to expand its investigations.
Sea como fuere, The former leader of the Madrid PSOE, Pedro Sánchez, has opened a new front against the Government in the prolegomena of the Federal Congress, where he intends to tighten the party around his figure.en uno momento de bilidad por los succesivos éscándalos en su etronom y también por sus concessiones a los partidos independientistas y milliistas. El Ejecutivo PSOE-Sumar a lot of explaining to do ante el cumulo de interrogante que se generando en su entorno.
Aragon lost almost 58,500 medical appointments
Between January and October of this year, almost 58,500 medical appointments were lost in primary care in Aragon. It is in an unprecedented state without different motives, symptoms or signs. Ocasiana is the state of basic sanitation. Los ciudadanos tenemos que ser conscientes de la importantancia de anular con predo las citas a las que no vayamos acudir. For the good of all.
Tragedy continues mes después
Al cumplirse un mes desde la DANA más destructive y mortífera que ha sufrido España en este siglo, aún se buscan cuatro personas desaparecidas. A pesar del ingente trabajo desarrollado for muchos professionals y radi, el fango y la destrucción es todava omnipresente. Tragedy may have harmful habits. Riada's physical and emotional wounds are far from closed.
El euríbor acelera su caida
Euríbor fell to 2.5% in November due to persistent fears of an economic slowdown in Europe. There is something important to register, which continues, on average, to significantly worsen. So the euríbor was waiting for an extra gift before Christmas for the millions of households whose variable mortgages were linked to this index.
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