Proyecto Experimenta Teatro: Dissección de una realidad multiple

Proyecto Experimenta Teatro: Dissección de una realidad multiple

Proyecto Experimenta Teatro: Dissección de una realidad multiple

Mártires del Compás cantaban en 1998 a ritmo de sevillanas 'Por el internet tecleando tus carnes y no las toqué'. Then it was impossible to imagine the impact of video games on the form of communication. Un cuarto de siglo después los entornos virtuales conectan personas desde el punto de vista emotional patient conseguir que vida y juego confluyan en una misma realidad.

El texto de Irene Herrero makes excellent use of picturesque language to give a look at young people who have grown up in a digital environment. A group of avatars called the “Crystal Generation” want to cross the line between “streaming” and real life to test their friendship. Action theater could be more virtual for 'Chucky'. The wheel of conversations and confessions of each of the characters began from the moment they firmly anchored the stage and showed the stellar distance between the call to go viral on social networks and the written message, in front of the emotional power that breaks the fourth force. pared para mirar direct an ese public que no quiere escuchar, que no quiere saber que ellos están rotos. During the presentation, at least two people from the “boomer generation” were unable to separate WhatsApp.

“La primera vez que bailamos”

Production:Zaragoza City Council Youth Service

Company:Proyecto Experimenta Teatro.

This is clearly juventud del enco tiene The delicious aroma of amateur theater in the first stage of formation: energy in the monologue, scattered dialogues until some words are inaudible, loss of rhythm in transitions. They would have to listen to the new tone that started the representation: “Dejen de hacer para simpente commensar a ser”.»