Detenido de nuevo Marius, el hijo de la princesse Mette-Marit, accused of rape

Detenido de nuevo Marius, el hijo de la princesse Mette-Marit, accused of rape

Detenido de nuevo Marius, el hijo de la princesse Mette-Marit, accused of rape

El joven Marius Borg Hoibyhijo de la princesa Mette-Marit, ha vuelto a ser detenido por la Policía ruega, que ha bir los cargos que sobre él pesan el de added violationreport it to the authorities.

“Police have expanded the charges against Marius Borg Hoiby. The charge also includes a case of violation of article 291 b of the criminal code. mantener relaciones sexes con alguien que está inconsciente o que por otros motivos no puede oponerse al acto“, runs the communicado police.

La imputation, que Apply for sexaccording to information received earlier this month during the investigation into the march against him since last August.

Høiby, 27, was arrested last night at 23:12 local time while in a car with his ex-boyfriend – the hero of the incident that led to the first arrest – and is currently in custody. Police, still no ha decidido si será presentado ante un juez quien decidirá si hay petitiona de prisión preventiveea.

Young Høiby was detained for several hours in early August following an incident at his ex-girlfriend's apartment and charged with injury, damage and threats in a case that was later expanded to include two of his previous partners. another person.

La Policía information de que ese caso se ha vuelto ampliar ahora para includir también los cargos de maltrato y de violar la prohibition de mantener contacto con su exnovia.

Høiby pleaded guilty in a communiqué parte de las accusaciones days after his arrest in August, admitting that he had problems with alcohol and other drugs and suffered from psychological problems.

Según revelaron medios noruegos hace unas semanas y confirmedó luego la Policía, los servicios de inteligenia fueron He was notified on the day of his first arrest in August, and these in turn informed Mette-Maritquien habló con Høiby para acordar el lugar detención.

The Norwegian Royal House refrains from commenting on the case of young Marius Borg Hoibi.

El príncipe heir Haakon twice publicly called the situation “difficult” and “serious” and in March asked not to comment further on the police investigation.

Mette-Marit public record, que estuva varias semanas de baja por los efectos del tratamiento contra la fibrosisa pulmonara que le fue diagnosada en 2018, pidió “comprensión” para no hacer más declaraciones.

It has an anterior connection with Mette-Marit. No official compromises with Casa Realalthough she attends some celebrations, such as her brothers' birthdays, and always maintains a relationship with both Haakon and kings Harald V and Sonia.