He fights against an aggressive person

He fights against an aggressive person

He fights against an aggressive person

Los Mossos d'Esquadra han detenido en Blanes (Girona) from 20 to 21 years of age presuntos autores de dos agresiones a personas sin hogar de la localidad, uno de ellos presumamente implicado, además, en otras dos agresiones por aporophobia ocurridas el pasado mes de octubre.

These two arrests are in addition to four made by Catalan police last October 1 in the same municipality. likes of hechos.

Fuentes de los Mossos explained that the two young men have now been arrested. el pasado mes de augusto Get local information after research, get any information regardless of the end of October.

Los jóvenes fueron detenidos el pasado jueves y están acusados ​​de los crimes of injury and contra los derechos fundamentales y liberdades publicas. The safety investigation remains open.

In October, various experts warned about this infradenuncia de los delitos de odio on aporophobia or the rejection of the poor, during a round table held within the framework of the II International Congress of Aporophobia, led by IQS-URL, mentioned in Barcelona, ​​and “to make the problem possible, it is necessary to give visibility. denounced by the victims”.