El Real Zaragoza closed the 2023/24 financial year last June 30 un margen importante de beneficios y con una pequeña reucción de su deuda neta. More precisely, you can get a profit of 8,000 dollars, which is worth 810,232 euros; 48.8 million manats is close to 49.1 million manats.
These are some of the big numbers that the Board will present to shareholders at the upcoming EGM. on December 18en doble convocatorio. Una reunión en la que se aprobarán, si procede, las cuentas, y en la que también se dará el visto bueno a Entry of Pilar Gil Miguel as SAD councilorInstead of Gustavo Serpa.
It is the best choice for presentation. A more detailed analysis of the same allows us to observe how Real Zaragoza ended the 2023/24 season with a profit of 810,000 euros, a significant change in the trend of the last two years, where there was a small positive balance (average million for 2021/22). Las cuentas del club maintains and accelerates the strong growth trend of the business figurethis has gone from 15.2 million in the 2021/22 season to 17.5 in the past and 18.33 in the past. This increase is mainly due to an increase in revenues from subscribers and partners (from 4.3 million to 5.2 million), which offset the loss of revenue from retransmissions (from 7.9 million to 7.4 million).
Four million dollar financiers have new fundamentals. The amount is in response to Real Zaragoza's July 2023 prepayment offer with a financial discount to all creditors of its ordinary bankruptcy debt. Según reflectan las cuentas, a esta proposal se adhirió “el 47.32% de la deuda concursal ordinaria”then it was allowed to lower the commitment, which created a “42.54% error of forced financiers”. “A la fecha de formulation de este informe está gado el 100% de los creedores que se cogieron a esta oferta”, the document reflects.
Personal expenses increased (from 12.5 million to 13.8 million).but may refuse to operate this club. La plantilla deportiva cost 9.6 million euros, 1.6 times more than the previous year.
It is minimized in no way. Long-term debt increased from 42.3 million to 47 million, changing the trend of recent years.. Sin embargo, el pasivo corriente (la debt a corto plazo, basically) fell from 11.1 million to 6.1 million. Enter a largo plazo (passiv no corriente) y el passivo corriente suman, port tanto, 53.1 million euros and liabilities, que son apenas 400,000 euros que el curso. It is worth 4.3 million euros, worth 48.86 million euros.
This year's accounts also reflect the initial contribution of social capital by Real Zaragoza as one of its key innovations. six million euros for the constitution of the merchant society La Nueva Romareda SLis responsible for the construction of a new football stadium.
En el Capítulo de Ingresos y Gastos Extraordinarios, hay recogidos 1.75 million is the invoice for the project of the new stadiumInvoiced by the project's engineering manager prior to the creation of the Nueva Romareda community. Invoices are not required for Real Zaragoza and social networks.
In addition, the main sponsors of Real Zaragoza are Adidas, Caravan Fragancias, SA, Caixabank, La Zaragozana, Embou and Zaragoza Deporte Municipal, and the total import of marketing and advertising revenue is 4,735,338 euros, according to the final accounting records.
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