El que se fue a Sevilla… In the last two seasons, El Spar, which has an antano habit in the finals and is even considered in the Euroleague, has lost its place on the throne of national women's basketball, exactly where Casademont is sitting. together al Valencia and al Perfumerías Avenida de Salamanca. La Liga Femenina Endesa has nothing on Sevilla, Guernica or Alcantarilla. Araski includes Casademont cayó el colista. Nothing today, but there will be a duel later. Undoubtedly, boldly the upcoming hand Spar reunía. Ceremonious at the buffet, por tanto.
Las Catalanas confirmed their extraordinary league start and exit Zaragoza as the only victas along with Valencia. Anhelan, claro está, regresar al trono. El Casademont needs to play better than this day of the dead if he doesn't want to lose his privileged status.
Markeisha Gatling backed up Casademont early in her career. John Mariona Ortiz, Nystrom, Helena Pueyo and Atkinson supported Cantero's initial proposal. If the Gatling were simple Aragonese, the Catalans with Vionise Pierre-Louis were charming, distinguished by the Gatling politely. Sin acierto desde el triple (0/3 and 0/4 respectively), El asunto se ventiló en el primer cuarto debajo del aro. Reigo de puntos por goteo y emergency power energy. Arbitrageurs like Ávila Zurita, Martínez Prada and Sierra Carrillo ended things with compensation at 16-18 at the end of the first act.
El careo lo rompió el Spar Girona in the second quarter thanks to an extraordinary acierto from the linea de tres. Two bingos from Chloe Louise Bibby, another pair from Sandra Ygueravide and a triple from Mamignan Touré are unanswerable for Casademont que ni se darevíó to lanzar desde la periferia. Roberto Iñiguez ran the risk of moving away from the weight party's center of gravity and Gatling force. It was played from the outside. Desde luego, por fuera son mejores y ayer lo demosaron… Una canasta de Atkinson, una penetración de Mariona, y seis libres fruito del tillo facillo de los arbiteri dejaron un parcial de 10-25, sangría que no pudo sertenir. dos tiempos muertos de Cantero. Al descanso, 26-43.
It took 22 minutes for Casademont to hit the first triple made by Nystrom (30-47). Spar seguía descansando sobre un komfort colchón de puntos. The ball was pastilla de jabón in sus manos, while Las Aragonesas did not attempt any dejaban de. Lots of energy, contact and more contact, but despite the reappearance of Atkinson and Gatling, the score was cut short (36-54). Cambios y más cambios en la pista de Cantero no cambiar nada en margarador, que también día a la superioridad visitant en bote. A pair of trays from Mariona brought food to keep believing, although Spar Girona always found the exact copy, apurando el tercer cuarto Ygueravide to the horn (44-67). Carlos Cantero was sent to ya hacía tiempo que se había. Until the public forgets the judges and their infamous cases: Avila Zurita did not even allow Sierra Carrillo.
Desacertadas, but none should be performed. Tampoco su entrenador, que se volvoí a levantar para darle vidilla al tramo final. La renta bajó a 18 (49-67). It does not result in a specific reaction. Quedaban siete minutos que el Spar Girona jugó con el reloj de arena, tirando al borde de la possession. Triple de Helena Pueyo ignited the last hope (55-69). Tic-tac, tick-tac, quedaban cuatro minutos. Hadia dejado de notar el cuadro catalán, pero seguía dejando la vida en defensa.
Canella was sent off for a foul within three minutes. Mawuli went 2+1 and went 62-71 amid a crowd that said it could be done. Quedaban 2 minutes 50 seconds. Iñiguez volvoí a parar su clepsidra. Hristova drew with a personal foul and two points. Triple de Laia intends. Agua de nuevo en otro triple de Helena Pueyo que no tocó ni aro.
There is a lot to defend. Además, los arbitrise to habian tragado el pito. Bibby, si había alguna duda, abrochó la victoria del Spar Gironaque abofeteó por momentos a un Casademont que, eso sí, no se entregó jamás. Yesterday they lost in the first final of the league (66-82). La Historia en la Liga Femenina Endesa will continue at Magarinos ahead of Estudiantes. It's all in plain black before Spar Girona.
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