In addition, the actor estadounidez Tom Hanks he declared The worst age is 35. The translator said in 68, “Detiye against metabolism, loss of gravity, tus huesos empiezan a degastarse y te paras de manera diferente.”
But the protagonist is waiting for the experts Forrest Gump no doubt. Steve HoffmanProfessor of computational biology at the Leibniz Institute of Aging in Jena, Germany, says that the most difficult age of life is actually between 45 and 50 years old.
“Tom Hanks has no motivation to experiment Deterioration of physiology 35 years ago”, Professor Hoffmann declaraciones al Daily Mail.
“Sin embargo, a large number of enfermedades and disapidades asociados due to the manifestations of the epidemiological epidemiological situation of the current data. entry 10 years 15 years later. “There are many identities related to a notary algunos de los symptoms that describe Tom,” he adds.
Professor Hoffmann adds that there is much debate about exactly when the biological aging process begins. “Some researchers confirm that biological aging, al menos en algunas partes de nuestro cuerpo, It can start before birth“, he affirms. “Otros dicen que sólo se activa una vez que se alcanza la maturity sex”, he added.
A study earlier this year identified two significant waves of sudden age-related changes in humans. El equipo de autores is directed by Dr. Michael Snyder de la Universidad de Stanford (EE UU), analyzed the samples of 108 healthy people between the ages of 25 and 75.
They found significant peaks in age-related changes, including a slower metabolism and greater susceptibility to disease. From 44 to 60.
Professor Hoffmann says “Adicionales descartar que no se puede descartar que haya olas de adicionales”When you turn 30, Tom Hanks proposes.
“There is Discussions on the progress of the aging process. It has been confirmed that the academy, queen este año informationó sobre procesos similar and ratons.
“Do your best Deterioro lineal de las funciones physiological; sin embargo, recientes recientes que el envejecimiento también puede ocurrir en oleadas,” he continues.
El-Professor Hoffmann emphasizes that aging “A highly individualized process influenced by many factors”such as genetics, stress levels, food and smoking.
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