This system has a surface plasmonics floating dehydration system with evaporative solar function

This system has a surface plasmonics floating dehydration system with evaporative solar function

This system has a surface plasmonics floating dehydration system with evaporative solar function

'A grandes mares, grandes remedies'. Espera, ¿mares or men? Realidad, un poco –o un mucho– de ambos: porque grandes males, como Limited availability of non-repeatable staples as they are potabley la amenaza que ello supone para no pocos territorios y comunidades en un planeta increasingly in the desert –adoration, ironically, 70% por grandes mares–, exigen grandes remedios. It has nothing to do with great importance El 'remedio' was developed by researchers at Canada's Dalhousie University In contrast, una solución de lo más modesta y pequeña. By the way, it is simple, simple, convenient, accessible. A magnificent sea, nothing for the fantastic or magnificent.

But before we introduce it, let's go back to the great seas for a moment, because one of the most studied alternatives to counteract the shortage of drinking water, or rather los sistemas desalinizadores de agua marina y que aprovechan la energía solar para evaporar el agua y con ello destilarla o desalinizarlarla. Expectations for the largest category of English: evaporation for plataforma or system desalination is solar que opera una surface plasmonics.

How do plasmons work?

What? Surface (or material) plasmonic. Y to perform new technological functions This minicurso intensiveo y muy básico sobre los plasmones y los materiales plasmónicos.

Empezamos: un plasmón es amount of natural phenomenon (related to the wave-particle duality) when electromagnetic radiation with appropriate properties falls on a group of free electrons (like those characterizing the plasma state, hence its name), it causes them to start vibrating with a certain determinada frecuencia, generando. as electromagnetic.

Metals also present free electrons, the delocalized electron clouds that characterize a metallic bond. Provocation, en los metales, se puedan dar surface plasmons. A radiation event causes the formation an electromagnetic wave passing through the surface of a metal as its electrons vibrate.

It's smaller than metal, but lasts a long time metal nanoparticlesthe electrons of the cloud vibrate and give way to a localized or confined plasmon. Material or surface structure for nanoparticles, The sum of these localized vibrations becomes a material that emits radiation at a certain frequency depends on the properties of nanoparticles (nature, internal structure, etc.).

The above, in addition to the very localized emission, allows the great potential application of these materials in many fields: in the case of the plasmonic surface that occupies us, the visible solar radiation falls on the free electrons of the nanoparticles. y provoca que vibren y, con ello, emitan a su vez una radiación electromagnetica en la longitud de onda infrared, es decir, que emitan calor de una forma muy localized.

But, ignoring the conceptual complexity of the technology involved, it's truly ingenious una solución sencilla, simple y port tanto, affordable, accessible and easy to transport. Plasmonico can be an open tool for employment materials.

Solar radiation causes the plasmonic surface of used tires to emit heat. El agua de mar se evapora y condensa en la kupala, desde donde se coge, ya como drinking water.
Margeson et al.

Apart from this material, the rest of the design is quite simple and made of common and economical materials: a plastic disk made of ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) that acts as a floating platform, covered by a clear plastic dome supported by absorbent cotton tubes and rods. Los tubos transportan el agua salada por capillaridad upta la parte superior del discobelow this, the heat emitted by the plasmonic surface causes water to vaporize, which condenses in the dome, so that it slides up to a perimeter tube that connects to an external reservoir where drinking water is stored until it is collected.

Field tests and trials have provided the most promising results so far: 40% energy efficiency. Production cost is 0.008 euro/liter. And 3 liters of drinking water capacity per square meter and per day. No power, especially nothing in Canada.

Parafraseando al refranero famous: la 'sed' de agua agudiza el ingenio drinking.

The key lies in the source of the plasmonic material

Although the most commonly used plasmonic materials are nanoparticles of very expensive metals such as gold or silver, in this case the plasmonic material is derived from: un recurso muy abundante y barato: el caucho de los neumáticos usadosrelatively 'sencillo' y applicable un proceso mediate a gran escala. Biodegradable residues can be beneficial to the environment and cannot be reversed.

he explained very schematically: tires are ground to a fine powder that undergoes pyrolysis (thermal decomposition in the absence of oxygen) to obtain a powder consisting of porous particles of amorphous carbon mixed with titanium oxide (TiO₂) and magnesium. the powder is re-pulverized to obtain a homogeneous mixture, chemically washed to remove the magnesium oxide (MgO) formed, and obtains titanium carbide nanoparticles (TiC), a plasmonic material.