If possible, hecho que le gusta a nuestro the brainde ahí que cuando llega un periodo de rebajas importante, como el Black FridayMany people are like a la caza de ese producto como si su vida dependiera de ello. More precisely una explicación científica: al encontrar precios reducidos se genera una respuesta química Cathrine Jansson-Boyd, Professor of Anglia Ruskin de la Universidad Psicología del Consumidor de la Universidad Consumidor Cathrine Jansson-Boyd, insta a comprar algo, shows. Conversation.
Según explica, “when we see a price on a tag and perceive it as a good offer, the part of our brain that occupies this place ( Nucleus accumbens). experimenter un alto nivel de disfaction cuando encuentra y compran una ganga.
This area of the brain, along with other reward-related brain regions, also plays a major role in emotional processing. along with dopaminea neurotransmisor que ayuda a controller los centros de warda y placer del cerebro, y está asociado con la felicidad.
In this sense, Jansson-Boyd shows that when people see pictures of things they want to buy, the region of the brain with dopamine receptors is activated, and when they buy, they get their “dose” of “what makes them feel good. they want.” están haciendo”. A ello hay que sumar que la dopamine hace que las personas sean más impulsivas Al tomar decisions, por lo que resulta easy entender el enthusiasms generalizado ante los descuentos.
There are other factors that add emotion to the search for a good deal. Use strategies used for new products for a short timelo que provoca una extra urgent sensation. “Esto genera higher adrenaline levels This causes people to get emotional before they are likely to get a deal, which is one of the reasons why we see deals that are especially tied to a day, week or month, like on Black Friday.
A similar effect occurs when a website is closed un temporizador de cuenta regressivaya que que que los los consumers sientan que pueden perder algo si no actuan de mediato.
Using safe tactics, “Resist biochemical effects for rest” or more time may be required, requires self-monitoring.
“When you see a product on sale, don't give in to the temptation and buy it immediately. Set it to make a decision“, advice.
“Si estás físicamente en la tienda y te preocupa que alguien más compre lo, take the article and go with it por la tienda. Over time, your initial reaction will become less relevant. Y a medida que la prisa se calme, es probable que te sientas menos obligado a comprarlo,” he suggested.
The same procedure is recommended for working online. “Make available y haz otra cosa durante un rato para que la necesidad de comprar una ganga disminuya un poco,” he added.
En palabras de esta experta, “por grande que sea el descuento”, shows “es posible que acabes”. dándote cuenta de que no es tan essencial initially para tu vida como tu cerebro pensaba,” he concluded.
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