You can retreat from Zaragoza

You can retreat from Zaragoza

You can retreat from Zaragoza

La última Canichada de Zaragoza was in April. We are talking about the national meeting of poodles organized in Zaragoza marco de la II Andada Canina de la ciudad y que este domingo se repetía con motivo del Pet Market. ¿El lugar elegido? Enrique Coca antigua fabrica, en 59 de la calle San Pablo de Zaragoza. “Es el único mercado de la ciudad decato integramente a las mascotas”, underlines the organization of Silvia Porras.

You can provide more than 20 exhibitors, which is an alternative option for flexibility or free dental examination.

La cita en quesión consiste en una quedada de caniches organizada como ya es traditional por la gran comunidad que existe en la ciudad y en la que se dan cita los amantes de esta raza para compartir un rato juntos. “The aim is also to bring the poodles and their owners back together to have a good time and make them visible to the Pet Market and the sponsors who support us in our activities. Many of the booths offer products and treats that we have tried and recommend to our community, so this is a great opportunity for attendees to find quality pet items.” Lorena Cardero (32), organizers of la cita caniche y, como ella misma se denomina, mamá de Mía, caniche wedding de 3 años.

In addition, in his own words, it is “a good way to strengthen the craft and local support network, foster interaction between animal lovers and create a positive environment where both dogs and owners can enjoy new experiences”.

Y es que el del caniche es todo un mundo. For different types, que you to distinguish principial -a sword, tacita de té, Toy, enano, mediano or giant colors. Otro mundo apart. At 2,000 Euros, the value of this color is very high.

“Los marron with chocolate, it costs 800 euros. A red poodle can cost more than 3000. y con Pedigrí hasta 4,000 euros”, assures Mayte Diaz del Cubillo, one of the other participants. After reaching the age of 30, you should write “una raza más”. “Fue una Experiencia Maravillosa y Estuvo casi dos decasas conmigo, por lo que no dudé en repetir”, he admits.

“Ha habido un 'boom' total y ahora todo el mundo quiere uno”, la Zaragozana que tiene dos, Mía y Zahara confirms. “Los más buscados ahora son los minitoy asiaticos que pueden costar hasta 6,000 euros”, he concluded.

So, do you have a special wish in Aragon? Como coinciden la majority de sus adeptos, Principamente destaca su character. Aida Arregui explains: “Es muy intelligente, de fácil aprendizaje, very sociable, carinoso y juguetón”quien lleva en sus brazos a Lola, una pequeña caniche de tan only three meses de vida, y la más joven de la quedada. “Teníamos ganas de conocer and you can get more information,” he explained.

Y de la más joven de la quedada perruna, a Yara, la más anciana, consus 17 años de vida. He is accompanied by his parents, Ana Garrido and Alberto Torres, who came from Rioja, and little Hugo (7 months). “No relation to Zaragoza or family members.” In addition, it is very large. Cada vez somos más. It's last year and it's very fashionable, something that has antes and después on social networks, “he said.

You have 10,000 followers on your @yara_caniche profile, so it's worth noting: “There are a lot of users for groups on Instagram. La pandemia lo cambió todo y ahora creo que hablamos todos los días”.

In Zaragoza, we also have a famous poodle in red, like young Kanela, the protagonist of the @Kanela_toy account. “Our daughter Covadonga created a profile and today she has more than 9,000 followers,” explained Pedro Gayan, a neighbor in the barrio of Utebo. “Venir aquí es una buena excusa para juntarnos, pasar una diferente mañana, conocer nuevas marcas y pasar un rato divertido”, opina el Zaragozano. Y eso que cuando llegó esta perrita a sus manos no estaba muy sure: “Pensaba que la raza no me iba a gustar y la verdad es que ha sido un acierto”. Son agradables, comodos de sacar y se portan muy bien en casa”.

Cita de perros salchicha

Sin embargo los caniches no son los únicos que enjoy de tirón en Aragón Hoy otra raza distinta, la de Los Dachshunds, also known as Sausage Dogs, will take over the baton and hold their own meet at Pet. Go to the market at 11.00. There are special adepts to have a national association, according to the number of 22,000 followers on social networks.

More than half a century of sausage dogs came in its last challenge in Lérida alone, and the next “Salchi-ruta” will take place in Toledo on December 29.