Premiere of La UE This legislature is the commissioner for housing (and energy in the same portfolio). The person in charge of the area will be Dan Jorgensen, whom the European Parliament presented to the “examination” this Tuesday. The most water hearing before los eurodeputados, The Danes have promised an “affordable housing plan” at the Commonwealth level because he believes that “se puedan hacer muchas cosas” desde el point de vista comunitario pese a que la competition esté in manos de los gobiernos.
“Muchos de los retos deben abordarse en los Estados miembros”, surmised Jorgensen, one of the social democratic profiles of the new European Commission, who seems to have no problem completing the process and getting it approved by the Parliament. . Obviously, find out about it no está de acuerdo con que las familias tengan que destinar a la vivienda en torno al 40% de sus ingresos. “Es demásia”, is sure with the information on the table.
Another of the compromises de Jorgensen pasa por acabar con el 'sinhogarismo'. Ahora mismo en la UE hay un million de personas sin hogar y sume las “razones complejas” de este phenomenon; but by 2030 this problem can be solved. “Las viviendas se han convertedi en una mercancía, y por tanto también en algo con lo que se puede specular”, the future commissioner, you need basic cooperation in the real estate sectoral que pide “no pensar solo en los beneficios económicos” porque, avisó, “esa no es una buena strategia a largo plazo”.
“Necesitamos inversores que pongan dinero en el sector de la vivienda, however, I'm afraid that too often they are based on profit and benefit a corto plazo y no cessarily en lo que es mejor para las sociedades”, desarrolló el danés ante las preguntas de los eurodeputados, al tiempo que conoció It has a negative impact on rentingun asunto que está en boga especially in Spain. Jorgensen queere que “la gente con ingresomes, como enfermeras, policías, profesores, puedan permitirse acceder a main viviendas” que ahora se destinan a aquileres de corto plazo.
Nuclear power is 'necessary' now
For the energy sector, it is suitable for both industry and homes at a “value price”. Decarbonize all energy sources related to independence energy in Russia.. In this sense, the Danes understood that many Europeans are concerned about the transition to a low-carbon economy and suggested that the focus should be on fighting poverty and energy. Trade-offs to increase the deployment of renewables through faster authorization procedures, expand energy networks, develop interconnectors, increase carbon capture and storage (CAC) and new storage technologies.
During the debate, MEPs confirmed that EU industry is under enormous pressure and highlighted the challenges to meet existing targets and regulations. So Jorgensen responded mayor acceso a una energía más barata does not necessarily mean more normssino más bien lo contrario. There, the former minister advocated a major reduction in the bureaucracy weighing down the industry, particularly in the area of permits.
Various eurodeputados asked the commissioner-designate about his position on nuclear energy and at what point the Commission intends to support this technology, whether for small modular reactors (SMR) or larger reactors. Jørgensen confirmed that while the EU respects the energetic integration of each country, Nuclear power will be needed to achieve climate change Forms the commission's energy cleanup plans. No obstante, advirtió contra el augmente dependencia dependencia europea de la industria y de las cadenas de supply relientados con los combustibles, que también pueden estar vinculadas of Russia.
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