Daily Horoscope: Saturday, November 2, 2024

Daily Horoscope: Saturday, November 2, 2024

Esta es la Horóscopo Predicción by Signo del Zodiaco For Saturday, November 2, 2024. Register at 20minutos.es.


At the end of the week, it is recommended that you be careful of injuries and accidents, especially during sports or other outdoor activities, car accidents or domestic car accidents. Mars, the regent of Aries, will be afflicted and may make you too bold and scornful of danger. On prudence.


Mars will affect disharmoniously, and therefore it is advisable to try to avoid tensions or discussions in the family environment, because they can turn into small things and eventually turn into very unpleasant conflicts. . Be forewarned of home accidents.


Although the influence of Jupiter protects you at all times, you will agree to be careful about spending or even losing money later this week. Te podrínia robar o estafar, o al menos attempttarlo, incluso tú mismo podría hacer algun gran gasto del que luego te abarías arrepintiendo. Think before you act.


The negative influence of Mars will cause you to find yourself particularly unstable and at times very impulsive or aggressive at the end of the week, sometimes towards others and at other times towards yourself. Danger of tension or conflict with your partner or in a familiar environment, you will be very uncommunicative.


Thanks to the excellent effects of Venus and Jupiter, you will have a successful weekend in the personal and sentimental area, where you will encounter a particularly pleasant and desirable surprise. This can be unexpected.


This end of the week will coincide with the negative influence of Mars, which will make you feel that your loved ones or close relatives will behave aggressively or carelessly, or make you feel less. All these will put you in a state of emotional sadness or melancholy. Todo será pasajero.


This end of the starting week is important for you to always keep calm and not pay attention to things that are not there. Mars will be disharmonious and people around you may react unexpectedly aggressively or irritatingly. There can be no conflicts and provocations.


By the end of the week, planet ruler Mars will be disharmonious, and you will spend too much energy on matters that do not deserve punishment or that will make you regret. I do not understand anything, y enthusiasmo there are great points, but above all it will be activated.


Mars can be negatively affected, which is likely to be prone to emotional shopping, y, serious concerns, great tensions or misunderstandings and questions. Y en caso de que quieras viajar, te encontaras problemas or imprevisitos for camino. Un momento sourdulce.


By the end of the week, Mars will be dissonant and favor tension or disagreements with your loved ones and other people around you. Do everything possible to avoid this, because if you leave it to your strong character, you will regret it much later.


It is possible that you have no plans and there is no possibility that you will be affected by the adverse effect of Mars and these plans may face unforeseen problems. The notary is very sensitive and this is turbulence above all.


Commienzas un fin de semana que esttará is especially marked with anti-Marte influence. However, it becomes active, even aggressive and habitual. The embargo of sin, the sin of the sinner, there was no sin, as a result, he was written off, or went astray.