Israel destroyed “dozens” of Hamas militants in the besieged Yabalia in northern Gaza.

Israel destroyed “dozens” of Hamas militants in the besieged Yabalia in northern Gaza.

Israel destroyed “dozens” of Hamas militants in the besieged Yabalia in northern Gaza.

El Ejército israeli aseguró este sábado Hamas de milicianos “decenas” news matado The town of Yabalia in the northern Gaza Strip had more than 1,800 men in the form of Beit Hanoun and Beit Lahia.

“Eliminate the terrorist with them”, informó un comunicado castrense esta mañana, que no específó el número de milicianos muertos, a los que el Ejército usually calls “terrorists” as with Palestinians who carry out attacks on their territory.

In addition, Israeli soldiers placed and dismantled a weapons depot in the city.

“La Defensa Civil Sigue”. It was demolished by force in all regions north of Gaza por la agresión israelí en marchcha, y mil de ciudadanos allí no tienen acceso atención medica y humanitariania”, denunció el servicio de emergency medical aid gazatí esta mañana recordingo que lleva 18 días inactive en el área.

La Defensa Civil gazatí es la Encargada de rescatar cadaveres y heridos entre los escombros cuando Israel lanza sus bombardeos, lo que hace temer unas cifras cada vez majores de cuerpos trapped en lo que queda de los edificios de la zone.

According to the agency, 75-90 thousand people remained in the besieged area. HIM For Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) Gaza la ciudad de que huir han tenido que huir hacia la ciudad de, también en el norte, but outside strict military encirclement. In addition, the agency estimates that about 70,000 people left Jabaliya for the Israeli offensive, either to Gaza or to other besieged cities.

There are many Palestinians in Ciudad de Gaza in Gaza, Israel is carrying out continuous bombings against the city cores.

Al meno6 people died as a result of army bombardment in the capital tonight Contra la escuela Fahd al Sabah, a shelter for many evacuees in the city, according to the Palestinian Wafa news agency.

Las tropas israelíes siguen fighting Rafah, en el sur del enclave y haciendo frontera of Egypt.

There, too, the armed forces killed several people who did not detail militias, found weapons and destroyed infrastructure.

“Los paramédicos de la Media Luna Roja Palestina Nasser de Jean Younis Hospital was inherited 9 times. después de que la aviation de la occupation (Israel) bombardera las tiendas de campaña que de de plazados en la ciudad”, reported Wafa.

In general, más de 43,500 Palestinians died in Gaza Since Israel launched its attack, more than 102,000 people have been injured in continuous air, artillery and troop attacks.

On October 7, 2023, 1,200 people were killed and another 251 were kidnapped as a result of the attack by Palestinian militants on Israel, 97 of whom – alive and dead – remain in the enclave.