Aragonesa Ingennus invoice is worth either 5 million euros or 10 million dollars

Aragonesa Ingennus invoice is worth either 5 million euros or 10 million dollars

Aragonesa Ingennus invoice is worth either 5 million euros or 10 million dollars

Tras el deplome del realestate en España iniciado in 2008 for a long time varios años después, cuatro despachos de arquitectura de Zaragoza decisions are being made regarding the headquarters. Later on, los once socios de esos despachos decidiron crear una empresa juntos, Ingenus, to be more competitive. Trabajaban ahí 25 people. Ten years later, the firm, with 60 employees, is among the top 25 in the countryse ha fianzado con proyectos en toda la geographía española y hasta en 18 países y se enfila hacia el fin del ejercicio actual con una invoicación de 5 million de avro tras crecer un 15% compared to the previous one.

De su positive evolution y de las goodnesses de trabajar en equipo se hablado este Friday en la celebration, en el Caixaforum de Zaragoza, de los ten años andadura de Ingennus, que He developed more than 1200 projects, some of which are of great importance. Y suma y sigue. Jose María Lahuerta, president, architect and director of the project, and Juan Manuel Alvarez, corporate director, emphasized in this magazine a few minutes before the event that the company is living a good moment. With open offices in Madrid and the Canary Islands, as well as in Zaragoza, the firm successfully designs luxury homes and is very well positioned in the construction of data centers – “de los que no podemos hablar”, affirman- y se ha hecho con gran prestigio en el extranjero. “We have finished a project in Peru, Lima and Ayacucho, and now we are working on another project in Paraguay,” they pointed out by way of example.

Located in Linz, Austria. Rehabilitation project of “Landestheater” (Teatro Estatal), the largest theater in Upper Austria, dates back to the nineteenth century. In addition to its theater function, the building houses historic event halls known as the Upper Austrian government representative Redoutensäle and the traditional Promenadenhof restaurant. Ingennus has fully invested in the deep transformation of the building, paying attention to modernization and adaptation to the new needs of users, while respecting the monumental preservation of the building. On the one hand, the integral rehabilitation of the theater and the restoration area will be carried out, and on the other hand, the Redoutensäle will be restored and expanded.

In addition to their own projects, Ingennus professionals also work in other offices (American or British), which allows to increase the company's activity. Esta tiene como retos, según apunta José María Lahuerta, seguir expansion “purple national international como, a number of representatives”.

In addition to the president of the company, Fernando Used, Enrique Santi, Elena Vallino, Ferran Calzada, Joaquin Lahuerta, Sergio Marta and Joaquin Magrazo are also partners of the company.