The state of pediatrics in Aragon: only one in ten new specialists choose to work in health centers

The state of pediatrics in Aragon: only one in ten new specialists choose to work in health centers

The state of pediatrics in Aragon: only one in ten new specialists choose to work in health centers

Pediatricians are highly trained prefer environment for hospitalization. This is confirmed by the Asociación Aragonesa de Pediatría de Atención Primaria, where they estimate that nine out of ten new professionals choose this assistance designation. It is also observed when analyzing the age of staff at both levels in the Community: in primary care in this category, those under 50 make up 51.3%, while in the hospitals of the region this percentage rises to 70.5%.

As the president of the Asociación Aragonesa de Pediatría de Atención Primaria, Elena Javierre, says, rural health centers have problems covering tasks. Recopilado do the following: siete plazas están desiertas –en Barbastro, Alcañiz y Teruel– y nine are not occupied by pediatricians. In these cases, care is taken with the reinforcement of non-homologated specialists from the field, other health centers or hospitals, family doctors or non-community faculties.

“While on paper birth relief is guaranteed, the reality is that most paediatricians who conclude the mira prefer hospitals. There are too many problems to cover anniversaries of primary focus“, explains: “Ya no solo hace falta personnel, que parece suficiente, sino incentivar a los profesionales por la primaria y aumentar la formationa y conocimiento de este nivel asistiental entre rezidentes y studiantes de Medicina”.

For Neuropediatrician José Luis Peña, President of the Pediatría de Aragon Society, La Rioja y Soria, To cover up the observed difficulties“algo que antes no existía”, to recognize, “y los compañeros tienen que asumir el cupo”. Sobre todo in rural environments and regional hospitals.

Explain that medicine exists in today's world because of advances and societal demands numerous pediatric specialtiesque pueden attracts a las nuevas generations. And he remembers that among the demands of pediatrics Aragonese, the Infant Hospital, the modernization of a building of more than 50 years. The Department of Health has announced a tender for the preparation of a functional plan for its component reform..

Los plants in hospitals

A report published by Vicente Matas, medico jubilado del Syndicato Médico de Granada (Simeg), analyzes the difference between the number of pediatricians providing specialized medical care. The study is based on the latest report of the Ministry of Health “Offer-Necessity of Doctors 2023-2035”With data as of June 30, 2023.

It is observed that there are 190 pediatricians in the state primary care system in the community. elevated feminization (84.1%). In total, almost half (48.7%) are over 50 years old, and 42 professionals are 60 or older, so 22% will reach retirement age in the next year.

Data varies in the hospital environment. Los pediatras en este nivel asistencial in Aragon, poco más de un centenar, tienen una una una edad más. El 70.5%, hecho, no 50 years. Of the rest, only 10.5% supera los 60. This template is initially very useful for pediatrics.

Sumando los professionales de esta category in health centers and hospitals (294), The percentage of women is almost 80%.. Pediatricians include 22.4% (approximately 66 faculty members) over the age of 60, as well as their own staff. To replace future vacancies, A maximum of 16 pediatricians will complete their training in the Community each year.

The report believes that the number of new people in Aragon would be enough to meet the celebrations, but it also attracts attention. “Focus on existing problems” because “there are more children in one hospital, because it is related to the professional and professional conditions of the primary health insurance”. “Include analysis of prime rate, very different, 50-year-old hospital minors”.