Maria del Castillo: “If you know emotions, you can control them”

Maria del Castillo: “If you know emotions, you can control them”

Maria del Castillo: “If you know emotions, you can control them”

He held a workshop in Zaragoza to promote self-discovery and personal development for young people, what was it about?If the higher se llama 'Emotional equipaje equipaje emotional' supplies occur, then experiences with vamos constructions are obtained. Goal-oriented conceptual tendes de nosotros y que relación tiene eso con nuestro behavior, sobre todo ante las adversidades. This can lead to unpleasant consequences. The idea is to work on youth prevention and training competent adults.

What is a backpack or emotional gear?
A collection of learnings related to our emotional experiences and attachment figures. Therefore, he expresses his erroneous opinion, he is going to give me an unequivocal answer.

Son los demás los que nos dicen cómo somos, ¿suelen coincidir estos juicios con lo que realente somos?
El koncepti que uno se construte de sí mismo siempre está relato con la información del entorno. A mí me decían de pequeña que era 'vergonzuda', pero a ora no tengo problemas en hablar en a la Gente. The final sequence of personality today is goodbye, but without any conditions. In any case, new resources and strategies are irreplaceable, which is to prevent formations.

What is emotional intelligence?
Yes, a set of interpersonal skills where the personal and the social are mixed.

Did you find a positive solution for the car dealership?
Hay que ser consciente de lo que se transmite al entorno para entender lo que se recibe de él. Si te conoces y quieres dar lo bueno que hay en ti, vas a generar bienestarer ya enricher tu entorno. He may show negative reactions towards the companion through false companionship.

Ultimately, it's about being happier.Claro, clima emotional tiene repercussions is noestra fiziologia. Surrounding tensions are related to cervical and psychological underlying problems. It helps you to pass with felicidad, tranquilidad y bienestar.

¿Las emotions management or dejarlas flow?
It is better and healthier to know and name emotions, not to suppress them, but to know how to manage them.

Do you have an emotional education?
There are teachers who have experience in their classes, which in turn is the best experience. Las familias también se lo preguntan a sus hijos y eso no passaba antes, según me cuentan en las escuelas de madres y padres.

Can you have mental problems?
Pueden influencer is favorable, there is no pathology. If a young person does not know how to think about their anxiety, if they are going through a sentimental break or a situation of school bullying, they will say that their mental health is not good and that they are suffering from a problem. There are no resources or tools to buy. Therefore, in this sense, all the actions we take to form a person are important, not only to see it change, but also to know the power we have over ourselves, the margin of maneuver that we have as a person.

How did you decide to specialize in this field?
I was working for a hotel chain managing large teams and I was told that my job was to take care of people. Me encargaba de las encuestas de clima laboral y de la formationa y así descúbrí que la inteligencia emotional apasionaba me. The “feedback” from the staff was also very good, so I decided to study psychology and major in emotional intelligence.