Más Madrid dismissed Arenilla as party spokesperson in the Assembly's Women's Commission after the “Errejon scandal”.

Más Madrid dismissed Arenilla as party spokesperson in the Assembly's Women's Commission after the “Errejon scandal”.

Más Madrid dismissed Arenilla as party spokesperson in the Assembly's Women's Commission after the “Errejon scandal”.

More Madrid There is also Loreto Arenillasla Exdirectora de Cabinet del Exportavoz de Sumar en el Congreso Iñigo Errejóncomo portavoz del partido en la Comisión de Mujer de la Asamblea, según ha adelantado el diario El País.

Arenillas que Refusing to have sex with the assembly del exportavoz de Sumar has finally announced the suspension of Más Madrid organic shipments.

Casi dos semanas después, deputy sigue sin entregar el acta. It is repeated in different cases I don't think “Otra possibility”. que no se la entrega del acta, aunque también ha protectedido que “no hay que tener ergencia” con el proceso de la todava deputada.

“I'm not the one who has to challenge Loreto Arenillas. He's the one who made the statement that he's going to hand over the deed,” insisted a Más Madrid spokesman in the Assembly recently. Manuela Bergerot.

That same Monday, in declaraciones tras la Junta de Portavoces, the leader of Más Madrid confirmed that Arenillas had not delivered the deed, although he was sure his resignation would come. “Es cierto que hace semanas que esta deputa has no activity, politics or creativity. We are in the normal process of your resignation y que la notification nos va a llegar en los siguientes días,” Bergerot explained.

Arenillas Ejecutiva del partido denunció el “abuse of power”.

Bergerot ha negado que se haya planteado dimitir The latest news about the Errejón episodio que conocía persona que Arenillas with the Castellón concern. “Las portavoces de Más Madrid hemo sido contundentes better to expel a persona que ejerza violencia machista dentro de nuestros espacios. Nos ha temblado la mano para tamar las decisions que había que tomar. “, he claimed.

In any case, Arenillas comunicó que no passaría a ser deputada adscrita, lo que provocaría que Más Madrid lost its MP and the opposition leadership supports the PSOE.

A change within the normality of the process

Now Más Madrid has fired Arenillas as spokesperson for the Women's Commission in the Assembly, where he was militant on issues such as sexual violence.

He will be replaced by MP Mariana ArceDoctor of the Universidad Autónoma de Ciencias Químicas of Madrid, y vice-presienta vocal en la Comisión de Digitalización y vocal en la Comisión de Presupuestos y Hacienda y en la de Sanidad.

The spokesman of the institution told Europa Press that “Today Loreto announced that this situation will be resolved.”