Impressive numbers, rebuilding plan and avocados for DANA

Impressive numbers, rebuilding plan and avocados for DANA

Impressive numbers, rebuilding plan and avocados for DANA

DANA left disaster mil companies on the edge of the break. State aid and credit are trying to keep this business structure afloat for the next few months until normalcy returns, although recovering from the damage and restoring previous levels of economic activity will be costly.

Plans related to business restructuring plansAccording to the Register of Forensic Economists (Refor), introduced by the 2022 bankruptcy reform and “a mechanism that could be of great benefit to ensure the survival of more than 72,000 companies, among them affected by DANA”, the Consejo General de Economistas en materia de bankruptcy specialized body.

Los planes rebuilt son una herramienta previa a llegar al concurso de creedores; de hecho, su objetivo es eludir el concurso eviento caer en la insolvency o saliendo de ella. Therefore, there is nothing interesting about the effective effects of DANA. Restructuring allows you to change the terms or structure of assets, liabilities and the company's own funds. The usual situation is that the debtor, es decir, the company, but also creditors or third parties with legal interests can request it before the probable, expected or actual state of insolvency.

Well-known companies such as Telepizza, Pronovias or Celsa have joined the restructuring process, but in fact the ones presented since the mechanism started (304 in 2023 and 280 between January and October of this year) Most of the micro-enterprises have applied (40% of the total number of aircraft) y pequeñas empresas (28%).

The Community of Catalonia and Madrid is responsible for almost half of the restructuring plans presents, 28% and 19%, respectively; Andalusia and the Community of Valencia follow with 14% each. Trade and industry are the sectors most affected by this process.

For forensic economist Xavier Domènech, if these planes are used properly “Los empresarios que se encuent en un momento delicado potran mantener con vida su negocio y no sucumbránte ante la mida liquidacion”. The embargo of sin, without finding a way to achieve any goal to solve any problem, “there is no problem to solve any problem. a sus proyectos, pues no le resultará facile encontrarla en los canales tradicionales”, says Domènech.

Apart from the way of restructuring plans, SMEs affected by DANA Pueden solicitar hasta el 31 December ayudas publicas directas que van desde los 10,000 to 150,000 Euros en funcción de la invoicación de la empresa; Daños en estécilements for industry, trade and services for direct buyer transfer for 36,896 euros. Solo loans can be obtained for a period of 9 months for a period of three months to pay an invoice of six million euros. December 2025.


On the other hand, 53% of companies suffer from the negative impact of law violations on their bottom line To have 130,000 firms, 9% higher can be achieved.

According to this study, 46% of Spanish companies suffered significant revenue losses due to bad debts. El retraso en los pagos de los clients also provokes that 22% of the business structure notes an increase in financial costs, 18% have to stop commercial expansion and 14% are forced to limit new investments.