Openbank launches a new deposit for 3 months and changes the profitability for 6 months

Openbank launches a new deposit for 3 months and changes the profitability for 6 months

Openbank launches a new deposit for 3 months and changes the profitability for 6 months

Openbank has introduced a 3-month option for interested depositors Plaso fijo depositscon la que se puede rentatizar el dinero a muy bajo riesgo y corto plazo. Además de sumar este deposito a tres meses a sucartera, el banco digital ha changed the prize 6 months product. You can eliminate deposits within 12 months.

This is Openbank's new deposit offer

After the recent changes, Openbank offers 2.58% TAE and 3 and 2.78% TAE and 6 meses (3.07% TAE que ofrecía antes) for regular customers. nomina, pensionunemployment benefit or a monthly income of 600 euros or more for at least 2 months and 4 months respectively.

Most users don't want to vincular sus ingresoesInterested in 1.56% TAE and 3 months and 1.77% TAE and 6 months. In addition, Openbank requires those who are already customers of the enterprise that the money directed to the deposit increases the balance of the global position held by Openbank on September 30, 2024, that is, the money going to the depository. sea ​​flour nuevo ingresoor sea a través de una transfer desde otra entity bancaria como de un ingreso en efectivo. If the user is interested new customer puede depositar cualquier candidate de dinero.

Otras conditions, el banco sigue remunerando desde el primer euro y there is no rewardalthough he remembers that the maximum amount was insured by him Deposit Guarantee Fund (FGD) de España son 100,000 euros a kada customer and kada enterprise. In addition, los interests are generated at the expense of deposits.

However, the enterprise is allowed which cancels Wait product form, investable products regardless of yield with 0.20% TAE.

This deposit is fixed for 3 months and pays 3.80% TAE

Tras los nuevos cambios y el recorte de la profitability With 3% TAE, the rewards offered by Openbank are far from the most attractive positions, as other deposits still maintain their products with the above rewards. Bajo el FGD español destaca la oferta de Cetelem, que a 3 meses paya and 3.80% TAE también desde a primer euro, sin vincular ve sueldo.

BNP Paribas and España promociona 3.52% TAE and ads submitted in 6 months; flour 3.24% TAE and 12 months; 3.29% APR for 24 months.