'Óscar', the app that cleans the house or organizes the faucet, lands in Zaragoza

'Óscar', the app that cleans the house or organizes the faucet, lands in Zaragoza

'Óscar', the app that cleans the house or organizes the faucet, lands in Zaragoza

Cuando las housework You apoderan de nosotros o nuestras abilidades como 'manitas' no dan más de sí a todos nos gustaría tener un botón mágico que solnuestras labores. “Oscar” It is a program that manages various types of applications servicios a domicilio de mantenimiento, limpieza, lavandería or belleza y Available in Zaragoza.

Requirements are needed arreglar las persianas o realizar una limpieza profunda en casa pueden posponerse durante mucho tiempo cuando no contamos con el tiempo o las ganas suficiente. When homework starts to take over our lives, this app can send an expert to do it for you in the same way you'd order takeout or takeout from your mobile phone: sa domicilio y con un precio fijo services.

“Servicios a un precio fijo. Sin sorpresas” announces “Óscar” on its home page. Joao Marquez que se ofrece al public como “repair services, limpieza y laundeira”. It functions as otras applicaciones de servicio a domicilio como Globo y Uber Eats y entre sus ofertas más populares include domestic and deep cleaning, carpet cleaning, reparana de persianas, inodoroslados, de ropa e incluso servicios de beauty y manicure.

A tool that is already 1 Portugaldio el salto a Spain Last October 2023, it operated in cities such as Madrid. Now the platform is selected Zaragoza as one of its nearby destinationsAs you can see in the biographies of social workers in Spain and you can request their services in the capital Aragonesa, as well as in other Spanish cities such as Seville, Barcelona, ​​Bilbao and Malaga.

Cómo funciona 'Óscar', a domicilio application of household services

'Óscar' services are available through their application, ie Compatible with iOS and Android. After registering for free on the platform, you can choose one of them More than 150 services que ofrecen y una vez selecciona el adequado, la plataforma asegura que un professional llegará tu casa en 30 minutes.

The services they offer are divided into different categories: limpieza, reparación, decoración, instalación, mantenimiento, montaje y mudanzas. Dentro cada categories have the most distinct features. Through this platform, you can apply for jobs like electrical installation, plumbing, painting, furniture assembly or appliance repair. Perform frequently requested tasks Poner la lavadora, planchar la ropa or limpiar and ordernar los platos. Y cuenta con un servicio destinado a compresas para la limpieza de oficinas o de work.

You can apply for one of their offers Hacerlo en el momento or después for programs. If you're not sure what service you need, the app has an option to “customize” it, and they have a general questions section for basic questions about contacting their customer service and how the platform works.

Los precios dependen del servicio is required 10 years for 60 euros enter menos kit It will cost you 100 to 200 euros. Esta semana con motivo de la Llegada del Black Friday Their services have discounts of up to 50% and the entire catalog is available both on their application and on their website.

Ayuda con la DANA

Con motivo de los Damage caused by DANA Last October 29, he joined the companies engaged in Oscar's team in a part of Spain Participant y ayudar a la recovery de los municipios que sufrieron el passo de las inundaciones.

From your profile Instagram hicieron un comunicado donde ponía de los afectados a sus professionals. “Tenemos electricians, fontaneros, moving muebles personas capaces”declaran en su publication. For this, they have created an email address “afectadosdana@oscar-app.com” so that people in need can use their services for free. “Oscar se hará cargo de todos loss”make sure en su comunicado.