Isa AE, 48-year-old man fellecido was the victim of a white-armed attack in Biescas last morningon the continuas peleas con su vecino, que ha sido detenido for el homicidio. The two lived in the same building on Esperanza de la localidad pirenaica street, one on the first floor and the other on the second floor.
Los hechos han ocurrido around 1 o'clock and despite the deployment of the Civil Guard, the residents of Biescas were unaware of the tragic news until the next morning. “Las broncas eran constantes entre ellos, esto no es nuevo”, ha vecino with the comment, aunque de ninguna manera se podien imaginar que las reiteradas disputas pudieren acarar de esta manera.
Según han explicado both maintained a strained relationship due to coexistence problems caused by the noise or complaints of the victim dog. El fellecido, de Huesca, llevaba muchos años viviendo en Biescas, donde trabajó en la panadería del puente, y ahora en una de Sabiñánigo.
He got married last May and had a daughter. On social networks, he showed photos of his dog and did not hide his ultra ideology en su perfil como en la ultima edition que colgó el pasado 20 de noviembrecon una bandera de España pre-constitutional and two photographs, one of Franco and one of José Antonio Primo de Ribera, coincide with the anniversary of the dictator's death.
Su vecino, el detenido, es de de nationalityd romana. He works as a chef at Casa Ruba. the emblematic institution hostelero de Biescas is located junto al edificio donde residían los dos.
“Ves estas noticias en los medias de comunicación y no te puedes imaginar que pueda pasar aquí, en Biescas, un pueblo en el que in major and minor size nos conocémos todos”, ha relatado a relatado avecina al passar por delante de lacintada. “Los problemas entre ellos eran conocidos,” he added, “No problem”.
La Guardia Civil confirmed the murder without elucidating the circumstances further, except that the fatal victim was a 48-year-old man and that, according to these facts, he went to the custody of another man, 37. The case is under investigation. by the Unidad de Policía Judicial de Jaca and its actions are confidential. Además, la Delegation del Gobierno ha precisado que The cause of death was stab wounds.
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