El poderoso probiotic que deshincha la barriga y puedes hacer en casa

El poderoso probiotic que deshincha la barriga y puedes hacer en casa

El poderoso probiotic que deshincha la barriga y puedes hacer en casa

Los probiotics son fuente de vida. There is no popular noisy noise, which confirms it. Hay varieties importance of gut flora or microbiota probioticsits balance is important for the proper functioning of the body. External agents, various farms (from antibiotics to antacids and corticoids), ciertas enfermedades, además de mal alimentación y sedentarism, pueden afectar a la microbiota. Según explica Ingortze Zubieta Aurteneche, dietista-nutricionista de la Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Dieteticsthis microbiota stimulates intestinal enzymes. “They also favor intestinal absorption and regulate intestinal transit, preventing constipation or diarrhea.” This is the reduction of gases in the abdominal cavity.

What functions does the microbiota perform?

A lot. Probiotics can reduce the frequency of urinary tract infections and help regulate cholesterol levels, as well as treat Helicobacter Pylori with antibiotics. Zubieta is similar “It activates the synthesis of vitamins A, B and K and reduces the risk of colorectal cancer, as well as improves the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. In addition, they help produce lactic acid and acetic acid, which lowers gut pH as a defense system against microbes.

Kefir, an unsurprising food

El kefir tiene una great probiotics. Choose different manners for presentation; los supermercados usually venderse como un postre obtenido por fermentation de la leche gracias a un hongo. “It is rich in calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, vitamin K and group B (B1, B5, B8, B9, B12), tryptophan and proteins for easy digestion,” explains Zubieta.

El kefir puede ser de agua (effervescent, surgido del fermento de agua aguacarada), however es más habitual el del leche, y se puede elaborar en casa. Also, it's up to you. It contains cream and acid. The nódulos llamados bulgaros of this work, con aspecto de pequeñas coles; se venden secos o se intercambian cuando a quienes los 'cuidan' en casa les sobra, porque va creciendo con la fermentationación y exigente un argamento caretoso. It originates from the Caucasus and its name is a Turkish derivative of the phrase “sentirse bien”. Se puede tomar solo or endulzarlo con miel o frutas.