El PP ha espoleado en una the latest accusation of third vice president Teresa RiberaFor “una gestion clearly negligente” de la DANA, which devastated Valencia during the first transition between the two in the plenary session this Tuesday, October 29. Ribera defended the work of AEMET and the Hydrographic Confederation del Júcar, both are responsible, for both avisar de la previsión de lluvias y del cauce de los ríos, y ha acusado al Gobierno de Mariano Rajoy is paralyzed Hydraulics can be minimized Barranco del Poyo Places like cuyo desbordamiento anegó Paiporta.
“You can compare me several times Entre las dos cosas, la DANA y el fraude de los hidrocarburos”, ha advertido a Ribera el portavoz popular Miguel Telladonot only in relation to the floods, but also to the plot involving a hydrocarbon company that PP insists on Permission to operate from the Ministry Transición Ecológica, por la que mañana ve declarar ante el juez uno de los cabecillas del caso Koldo, el empresario Victor Aldama. “As a result, the commissariat y los tiene, ¿va a trasladar a la la Comisión Europea susi problemas judiciales por su mala gestion?“, – added the deputy of PP Cesar SanchezA day before the European Parliament voted to suspend Ribera's eligibility to be vice president of the Comisión encargada de Competencia y Transition Justa.
El PP la ha acusado de “intransigente”, “egoísta” and “indolente”, de No news to Valencia after 21 days más centrada en su futuro en Bruselas In what happened in the Levant during Ribera's day-long government oversight session Congress and the SenateSeen for the DANA unveiling. This is one of the conditions under which the PPE demands that he be granted a visa buenos as commissioner, and also demands that he leave his post in Brussels if he is indicted by the court by the management of the riads in Valencia.
El PP is responsible for a Ribera de No news on hydraulics que habría contenido el risego de inundación en las zonas inundadas por la DANA y, en concreto, en el barranco del Poyo, uno de los que sebordó y para el que existían de reencauzamiento para evtar las ciudades since 2007.“The name of the infrastructures is not reserved for any person”le ha acusado Sánchez, también de no cleanar los cauces “por ideología” or no news dotado de un sistema de alerta de al Barranco del Poyo. “Es la máxima is responsible for flood forecasting and management and ni previno ni gestionó nada”.
Ribera defended se ha ella missathen as Secretary of State for Environmental Protection, Firmó en 2011 la Declaración de Impacto Ambiental favorable for reencauzar el barranco del Poyo, que quedó sin efecto seis años después porque el gobierno de Mariano Rajoy no delante.
“Sabe la vez que hemos estado más cerca de resolver las obras del barranco del Poyo?”, Ha preguntado a Tellado. “Cuando Teresa Ribera signed her first DIA in 2011.. It expired in 2017 because Rajoy's government did not take any action,” he said, adding that when he came to the Ministry in 2018, the process was “resumed as an urgent matter.”
Años después, las obras siguen sin empezar Por motivos que desde ingenieros de Caminos conocedore del processo Estado de Medio Ambiente secretary, Hugo Moranhan acacado a la lack of presupposition. Este martes, Ribera, ha affirmado que se debe a que “encontramos The main problems of the concession in the country”.
PP is suspected Informed silence de “dos horas y media” al Consell aquella tarde del 29 de octubre, la vice-presidenta ha acusado al PP de no exigir responsabilidades a la Generalitat valenciana, ha reprochado al PP que Not “El más mímino respeto”, but los trabajadores of AEMET and the Confederation Hidrográfica del Júcar y que haya “is without claim for the irresponsibility of the civil defense”. “Si think that the power of power and burlan de los avisos rojos de la AEMET, es. You can get very difficult results ante la siguiente calamidad,” he warned the vice president.
Ribera ha quien Tellado ha blamed.huida” within 21 days of DANA y, ants, de sus responsabilidades en el Gobierno Since he was appointed the candidate of the PSOE in the Eurocámara elections, he promised to go to Valencia, Wednesday de nuevo after reprocharle este PP “not taking steps” in the province.
“There is no need to visit Valencia.” y de mirar a los ojos a los que lo han perdido todo”, le ha reprochado Sánchez. “No voy a hacerme fotos, sino a trabajar.” The Ministry has more than 130 actions and explanations about what happened, it has been in my office since the first day to resolve the difficulties, as with AEMET and the Hydrographic Confederation,” said Ribera.
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