El Partido Popular confirmed este viernes que si Pedro Sanchez agradeció “los servicios prestados” or 'caso Koldo' commissionista, Victor de Aldamabecause “probably está en el ajo” de la plota de corruptionción, y desdeñó “las explanaciones muy novagues” que el Presidente del Gobierno dio este jueves en el Congresso porque “no justifyyan en ningún caso” todas lassocidas lassaciones. Recent decisions on PP in Congress, Miguel Telladoque ha evitado hablar de una act of censorshipPP spokesperson with hecho Borja Semperha recalcado que su jefe de filas, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, is ready to “talk” about the censorship proposal, because before the cases of corruption “más allá de la arithmetic está la ética”. for the General Secretariat of PP, Cuca Gamarrahe confirmed that Feijóo would not advance the censure motion unless he had the votes to succeed.
Interview with Antena3, Telladoha reclamado a Sánchez, una vez que Aldama “ha rado de la manta”, demita, convoque ecciones y cece su “huida hacia delante”. The exhibition has “too much to be careful about”. “Solo bastaba con ver las caras de los principales dirigentes del Partidos Socialista y del Gobierno”, apostilled
For Tellado, the President of the Government, his entourage and his party are “surrounded by cases of corruption” and this requires a detailed explanation from Sánchez himself. In this sense, he gives full credence to Aldama's testimony because “he puts numbers to the questions raised in various periodical studies and also in the reports of the UCO”.
“Caso grave que nos obliga todos ante un caso tremendamente a actuar consponsabilidade. El primero, el Presidente del Gobierno, que debiere entender que hace aquí hames llegado, esta legislaturera ha finizado y debre devolverles palabra a los ciudadanos”, que el Gobierno sacara adelante was completed a day after the water. fiscal reform In Congress.
But Tellado believes that an election is inevitable before the “very vague explanations” that Sánchez gave in Congress this Thursday, and they in no way justify everything we've learned in the last few weeks and months. “”. Therefore, Openly call for deception “tenía pase VIP en el Gobierno”. y si sus “relaciones liquidas” with the Ejecutivo derivó en pagos en pagos en efectivo del Ejecutivo y del PSOE, entre los que se encuentar el secretaryo de Organización de los socialistas, Santos Cerdán.
“No son casos aislados que pueden ocurrir en cualquier gobierno, no son casos minores. We are talking about corruption in the epicenter Al Número Uno, Senor Pedro Sánchez and Palasio de la Moncloa. Ministers suffering from illness are in this situation“, apostille.
Sémper no descarta “what scenario”
At the same time, in an interview with Telecinco, the famous national porter, Borja Semperha recalcado que su jefe de filas, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, He is willing to “talk” about arming someone act of censorship because before cases of corruption “más allá de la arithmetic está la ética”. “If there are other political parties that do not support this shameful agenda, we are ready to speak and offer the Spaniards an alternative; we say this, Feijóo, we say what we have been saying for a long time. de cuál es la situación is arithmetically deceived,” he said.
Questioned sobre si dentro del Partido Popular hay voces que piden a Feijóo que presente una moción de censura, aun si es fallida, ha replido que si lo está exigiendo alguien él lo desconoce. “We don't discard any scenario”she pointed.
Likewise, Semper pointed out that the “natural reaction” of politicians to this type of information is “decir que es mentira, mirar para otro lado y desdeñar o caricaturizar” al denunciante. In this case, Cheating. Pero Semper insisted on this “todo se terminará por saber”.
Actions in courts
Preguntado sobre si tomarán más actions en los tribunales después de que Vox Sanchez and four other ministers, Sémper abogó por actuar con “con calma” and “con cabeza” asked to be charged. “Aquí de lo que se trata es no de obtener una noticia o un un día, sino de obtener la verdad, y el Partido Popular está es en eso,” he said.
Such things In the short term, Genova will not accept letters in the case of the courts y se limitará a ejercer su eposíción en el Congresso, aunque el portavoz nacional del PP no descartó ninguna action.
At the same time, Tellado expressed himself in a similar way, stressing that the case “is already being investigated and instructed by its part. Audiencia Nacional“, and “Some of this information, revealed in the declarations of the fraud, was sent to the Supreme Court to influence the people exempted from the minister's authority. Angel Victor Torres o el propio Santos Cerdán”. “Por lo tanto, las actuationes judiciales ya están en marcha”, despachó.
Gamarra rejects the censorship proposal without a vote
for the General Secretariat of PP, Cuca GamarraAlberto Núñez confirmed that he is Feijóo no impulsará una moción de censura si no tiene los votos para que prospereafter suggesting to the opposition leader Pedro Sánchez's accomplices to overthrow the current government.
In an interview with Telemadrid this Friday, the two numbers of the PP said that his training is working to change the Government and “Corruption does not need a discussion about the state of the nation”as a reference to a hypothetical act of censorship without visions of prosperity.
According to Gamarra, Feijóo invited his partners to challenge the question of whether they would continue to support “Pedro Sánchez's corruption” with their votes. He recalled that “¿There are general choices for the main choices? Popular and Alberto Núñez Feijóo will maintain his leadership”.
También ha sostenido que El PP trabaja for cambiar el Gobierno “cuando haya unas ecciones”but “no están al margen de la corruptionción” or “Feijóo dio” of “paso adelante para decir aquí estamos y aquí estoy para encabezar esas moción de censura, si alguien aloest.”
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