The show starting this Friday, November 22 at the Parque Grande promises to make it a Christmas scene que inundará con su espíritu toda la ciudad de Zaragoza. Through one An immersive experience of light and sound in ten classic Christmas tales are the main characters. Los Zaragozanos and Zaragozanas que acudan al eventto se sumergirán en esta fantasiosa realidad de la mano de Luzir, cuentos de Navidad.
The project, which is unique in the city, was designed by architect Alvaro Molina 40,000 leds, 600 luminaries, 4 projectors, 18 kilometers of cable, 11 pórticos, 10 princituras 3s. 40,000 LEDs installed at a distance of 20,000 meters. The event will continue in the city until January 7. Its duration will be 45 minutes and tickets for the show will be available every 15 minutes.
Special prices for Luzir
Compare web pages. Where you can choose the passage you want to enter from 18.00 to 22.30. Hay que tener en cuenta que, the schedule may change depending on the day: as always, it will start at 6:00 p.m. and end at 10:00 p.m., except on Fridays, Saturdays and holidays, which will be extended until 11:30 p.m. Nochebuena, Nochevieja y la víspera de Reyes (21.00), as expected as Navidad, Año Nuevo y Reyes (22.00) (21.00). The show will be closed on November 25, 2-4 p.m.
The price of entry varies depending on the day you wish to enter.
Precios de entradas de Luzir from Monday to Thursday
- Mayor older than 14 years: 10,50 € per los que hay que sumarle 1€ de gastos de gestion.
- Between the ages of 4 and 14: 8.50€ + 1€ digestion.
- Mayor 33% better or better over 14 years: 9€ + 1€ de gestures de gestion.
- Score 33% better or higher from year 4 to year 14: 7.25€ + 1€ de gastos de management.
- Children up to 3 years of age enjoy free entry.
Prices for Luzir los weekends, holidays and holidays
- Mayor older than 14 years: 15€ + 1€ de gastos de gestion.
- Between the ages of 4 and 14: 9.50€ + 1€ digestion.
- Mayor 33% better or better over 14 years: 12.75€ + 1€ de gastos de management.
- Score 33% better or higher from year 4 to year 14: 8€ + 1€ de gastos de gestion.
- Children up to 3 years old enjoy free entry.
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