Premios Especiales Tercer Milenio: Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología, Sesé y Urbaser

Premios Especiales Tercer Milenio: Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología, Sesé y Urbaser

Premios Especiales Tercer Milenio: Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología, Sesé y Urbaser

La Segunda edición de los galaradones especiales de los Premios Tercer Milenio he went beyond the autonomous community to welcome the com Puente entre Ciencia y Sociedad la work de la Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (Fecyt), a public foundation dependent on the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, to promote the growth of scientific culture in citizenship. It is the best of the organism, también se reconoció and las companies Sesé y Urbaser. These awards were established last year with the motive of 30 years of scientific addition.

Fundación General Director, Izaskun Lacunza agradeció el que que es The first award in 20 years of progress in the entire institute. And more, he added, as he waived the special periodical addition “pionero” in the scientific statement.

This is priority protection “fomentar el valor public de la ciencia en unos momentos en los que la batalla es feroz”. It is necessary to attract the attention of the director. HERALDOMikel Iturbe and the coordinator of the extension Tercer Milenio, Maria Pilar Perla.

Lacunza emphasized the importance of the scientific method “Advance con los tiempos y la sociedad actual” y los ciudadanos say “confiando en la ciencia”is the one that will eliminate the problems they face. He explained that the Foundation has a science and technology office Congress of Deputies its main purpose is to present scientific evidence on topics of interest to the House.

Héctor Cebrián is responsible for Sesé's decarbonisation projects
Alvaro Sanchez

La Empresa Sesé, with these new initiatives decarbonization ADN offers special equipment for the Innovador. Hector Cebrián, who was in charge of the projects, realized that he felt “double home” because of his continued business relationship with Fersa. He emphasized that the goal was to “lead the future of mobility and supply chain efficiency.” Y for logarlo, aseguró, resulta imperative la “colaboración” and “companies and institutions are able to work in this direction”.

Eduardo Fernández, Urbaser's innovation director, during his foray into the castle
Alvaro Sanchez

Eduardo Fernández is famous UrbaserHe is the director of the innovation company and the premium on the innovation industry. ZaragozaParque Tecnológico del Reciclaje, de la primera biorefinería urbana de Europe. This new model of urban solid waste and sewage sludge management was created and registered before the pandemic and is backed by 11 European partners, Zaragoza City Council “facilidades” and European funding. Y tras 15 años que lleva la compañía en la Comunidad centrada en I+D+i, se showró convinced de que el nivel aragonés “está por encima de la media”. “soldado pelón” or first recoge después después de que vino anécdota for 22 years with Zaragoza.